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Posts posted by randomman

  1. [seriously]school / schollwork doesnt teach you anything. if you really want to learn something retain it and learn it fast youve got to use the internet[/offofftopic]ive always wanted to say that[/offoff topic][/seriously]

    Reality hits you in the face and you realise about the real world of learning exept it hits so so hard it damages your brain and you lose your memory and you eventualy die because of brain damaging

    I wish i didnt always have to type really really long posts.

  2. Ah this is some commen glitch try uninstalling it then reinstall ing and if that doesnt work uninstall it and reinstall it but dont select VC radio station.

    infact to make things a whole lot easier why dont you just uninstall it then reinstall it without VC radio station checked on the install.

    I hope this helps.....

    Does it ?

    Well i hope it has.


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