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Everything posted by Andrew91

  1. Last time I seen her she was howling at the moon! Yaddayadaya Yaddayadaya
  2. My features form with the change in the weather. We can.. We can work it out! When the wind blows, when the mothers talk! Some of us are horrified, others never talk about it! But when the weather starts to burn, then you know that you're in trouble.
  3. Never gonna stop me, never gonna stop. Red Red Red Kroovy
  4. They're in the fire.. It was an accident.
  5. I'm all busted up.. Broken bones and nasty cuts.
  6. Castaway.. Now I'm on my own.. Castaway. going at it alone.
  8. My name is St. Jimmy I'm the son of a gun.
  9. Halloween, fully restored and digitally remastered.. Hell yes.
  10. Okay... Sorry. Its still 6 days.
  11. This is the dawning of the rest of our lives.. This is our lives on holidaaaay
  12. Pretty damn sweet.... Green Day - Jesus Of Suburbia / City Of The Damned / I Don't Care / Dearly Beloved / Tales Of Another Broken Home
  13. Halloween is on TV. This is frucking awesomelicious.
  14. Tomorrow at five.. Is that good for you?
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