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Posts posted by macorules94


    An interactive online GTA related game!



    Someone will write part of a story. EG-Niko then stole a car and travled to...

    Then the writer must add up to five options for the next writer.

    Any person can take over from that point


    No more than 5 options for a story part

    You are not allowed to kill off main characters EG-LJ, Niko, Packie etc. NOTE you can kill Niko, he just respawns at the hospital

    No cheats. EG-Then Niko got infinite health and armour

    Who ever posts first between 2 more people the first story will continue as normal, the 2nd or 3rd story replying to a same story part must edit their post and must say 'never mind this' to not cause confusion

    No supernatural sh*t that isn't in the game

    Please do not edit your story if it IS used already by another writer

    You can say Niko finds weapons but only in correct and real spawn points in the game

    The same writer can NOT reply to their own story

    Please pay the most attention to the Underlined and Bold Rules

    I will go 1st

    Niko woke up in his bed then as he went over to his wardrobe he wore A Suite outfit. He walked to the door and exited his luxury Algonquin pent house. Niko got in his PMP 600 and went to.....

    OPTION 1---Honkers

    OPTION 2---Middle Park

    If you dont know what to do...here's an example http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=370433

  2. Just got told I am getting a 360 for my birthday. Damn I can't wait a month! ha.

    Enjoy your RRoD

    and hope you have fun with your fat heavy controller.

    And i hope the loud fan noise doesnt piss you off too much.

    And you better not quit your job or you wont be able to play online

  3. Еден модератор што се вика "МишоМ" е будал. Јас кога зборував Македонски, тој ми кажа дека тоа што зборував беше српски. И еден друг рече дека македонскиот јазик е напраен от српскиот јазик!! леле колку будали се

    Не мора да го навредуваш.И + тој е Хрват.

    Разбира се шо ќе кажеш,затоа пшт.

    Ама како може той да чита кирилица? Хърватите немат кирилица. Од сега кье пишам въ старата азбука и нема да го разбере целото

  4. Еден модератор што се вика "МишоМ" е будал. Јас кога зборував Македонски, тој ми кажа дека тоа што зборував беше српски. И еден друг рече дека македонскиот јазик е напраен от српскиот јазик!! леле колку будали се

  5. Daleku, kaj sto si ti

    sega tamu sum jas....

    so mislive moi,

    daleku. Kaj sto si ti

    tamu srcevo e, i denovi broi...

    Sakam da gi vidam jas pak.

    Tie oci polni so sjaj,

    se vrakjam na skoro jas....

    Te molam pocekaj

    Sakam da gi vidam jas pak,

    tie oci polni so sjaj,

    za nas i svetot e mal....

    Ne me zaborabaj

    Prati mi esemes,

    stom kje se razbudam,

    da bidam siguren,

    deka me mislis da znam

    Prati mi esemes,

    i pred da zaspijam,

    i bidi sigurna,

    jas kje te sonuvam.

    Na drugata strana na svetot sum jas,

    No samo za tebe eve doagjam pak.

    I vo moite misli go odbrojuvam

    sekoj den sekoj cas.

    Sakam da gi vidam jas pak

    tie oci polni so sjaj

    Se vrakjam na skoro jas,

    Te molam pocekaj

    Sakam da gi vidam jas pak,

    tie oci polni so sjaj,

    Za nas i svetot e mal,

    Ne me zaboravaj

    Prati mi esemes

    stom kje se razbudam

    da bidam siguren

    deka me mislis da znam

    prati mi esemes

    i pred da zaspijam

    i bidi sigurna

    jas kje te sonuvam.

    Prati mi esemes

    stom kje se razbudam

    da bidam siguren

    deka me mislis da znam

    prati mi esemes

    i pred da zaspijam

    i bidi sigurna

    jas kje te sonuvam.

    if ya couldnt tell.......they are song lyrics

  6. How many languages can you speak?

    I can speak the following:

    - English

    - Macedonian

    - Serbian

    - Croatian

    - Bosnian

    - Montenegrin

    - Bulgarian

    and i can understand little bits of Russian

    Those are all just dialects of the Serbian language, except for Bulgarian which I have no clue about. It's a bit sad that these countries don't want to call it Serbian because of political reasons in my opinion. What language did these countries speak when they were apart of the older, much larger Serbia? There was no "Montenegrin" I'll tell you that lol!

    But anyway, I can speak English, Serbian (including some dialects of it), and am now learning a tad bit of French as well.

    Bulgarian is a dialect of Ancient Macedonian which is still now not very different from the modern one

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