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About warclaw

  • Birthday 02/06/1992

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas
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  • Location
    Sweden / Sundsvall

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  1. but it is not someone who has some tips or have had the same problem that can tell!
  2. hey, I have a problem I have downloaded Gta United mod v 1.1 and the new hotfixet mod to it, but when I run the game and play in some min or if i crash a car or somting !freezes as it sometimes! and I have to restart it, I have patches to the 1.0 in GTA SA, so it is the correct version and I use XP! but the game is bought in sweden! I need help to remove the freezer thing! which settings should I have in the game? i have a new computer with the lathes direx 9.0c and a HD on 460gb and 1 TB Ram! the game work good but not this mod!! what is wrong???
  3. hi i have download mads more traffic mod to sa and now i will have it on Gta united mod i have try to replace but it dont work! have someone test it and how i change so all cars spawns as same time lite the maads mod! what lines i change??? i have upload a picture here tell me! help me!
  4. warclaw


    hi i need help with how i can add parked cars on the side on the road and they spawn have some one a good program in gta 3 have a program like edit cars and more work that in sa!?? or how i do i dont found some guides i need help!!! how i do this!!??
  5. Hi i have download GTA: San Andreas DirectX Hook to my gta sa ! how i instal it? i have read the read me file and follow the guide but when i start the game is it in fullscreen mod not i window mod! what is worng i run first gta_sa.dll.dll file afther that The gta lunch! exe but noting happend can some one explaine how i do please 123...guide! please!
  6. hi what is new in GTA United the new version? i hope they fix all the error do somone know that they fix in new version??link? or tell me here! some new city s ?
  7. Hi i have gta united and i can play it but when i save the game and Load the game the game hang and i most restart my computer how i fix that or is it the grafic wrong i have it on very high! give me some tips please
  8. Were can i found the zombie mod for SA? like Resedent evil mod! take away all peds and make zombies insted! some links!
  9. HI thanks for the reply do you know were i found tur... about it??
  10. Hello download the orginal MAIN file from filefront some GTA SA Games have right MAIN file how you instal the file is esey! navigate to c: ROCKSTAR GAMES /GTA SAN ANDREAS/DATA/SCRIPT AND PASTE IT THERE! pm me if you need more help! FINE !
  11. 1 Download the latest direx 9.0 c or higher! 2 go to option and select very high! 3 screen relotion = the highest! try this pm me if you need more help!
  12. I Have some tip! please you use it as your own i take no response for your handling!"] 1 Befor you mod the game create a orginal backup file in some folder on your desktop! 2 reinstal the game! 3 more problems? write in this forum 4 have the CD in the driver! 5 patch it! 6 dont start yet? buy a new computer! 7 thanks if you got more problem PM ! Best regarts
  13. I were i found the editor that i can create my own missions?? and were i get a good guide is it hard or esey to bulild a mission??
  14. hi I have one problem with gta united I have fraught down the and gotten the that function but sometimes so am hanging themselves game and self must disconnect I have patch the game with patcher to version 1.1 or 1.0 how i fix that when i load the game the game hang! and how i fix it?? ps: i have use a translater in this text! =)but am arriving the another version of gta united soon ors am going the that was fixing herself how?
  15. were i change the ram in the game in the stream file in rockstar games/ gta sa/ stream there? help me
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