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Everything posted by ryder100

  1. since as it is set in new york would quite like to have some new york artists such as notorious big etc would be kl, juicy being a prime example
  2. lol rememba KJah? da best sh*t man. Now they gonna have to put on modern stuff we know... like 50 cent but i neva liked that dude. 50 cent is rap pop bollucks, its all about nwa and easy mutha fuckin e lol
  3. what would u guys like to see music wise in the new gta? i think sum old skool hip hop would be good and some drum and bass lol haha not gonna happen though
  4. lol neither did i, i dont suppose many ppl actually bothered to do them, its a point of whether i can be arsed or not and i really cant, and i have better things to do in life then complete it 100% i would just view that as plain sadness haha
  5. oh well, anyway back to the main topic!!!!!!!
  6. u do jobs anyway, u can do air missions, pizza boy, vigilante, ambulance, pimp etc, all side missions and classed as jobs
  7. i suppose so ye, either way i dont reli care its only a video game lol and like u say with the job aspect, whats the point of making it really realistic, its not real
  8. so what makes you think you wouldnt get sick of doing a "job" lol
  9. well maybe there could be an exhaustion meter where when it runs out you just collapse where you fall kind of like canis canem edit, but you have the option to go to a safe house to sleep and fill it up again
  10. well no coz thats pretty stupid and defeats the object and point of the game, its gta lol its revolved around crime
  11. well id quite like the idea of starting out rough and perhaps having quick ways to get money by shotting drugs and by any other means possible by fooling people and conning them, basically getting by any way you can
  12. Is this going to be incorporated into the game atall? Would you like the idea of dealing drugs and hustling for money?
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