English, dude.
This disproves my point how? (FYI... SAMP = Mod)
How could he have ruined it? You have admin powers on your server, which he doesn't.... He may have created the mod, but that doesn't mean he can alter your server settings. Just like R* can't alter yours if you set one up for IV online.
Oh, freaking sweet! You have four arms!
And fair enough if they don't want to go back to samp, that's their choice.
But once barriers are put up, people find a way around them again.
I'd like to close by saying:
yeah i know. your speech less.anyway even if they did find a way around the "barrier" im very sure Rockstar will stop them with no problem.
and yes my dudes made a smart decision not to come back to San Andreas Multiplayer or should i say Stone Age Multiplayer.The GTA Team
created the online for ps3 and 360,they're not gonna let a game,that took 1000 hard working game developers to create,and made more profit than san andreas made got to mush.They're gonna stop any 2 bit low life hacker from ruin one their best games ever created. Im gonna be working for Rockstar soonpossibly in 2009,and i m gonna help them stop hackers,why? because game developers have more technology than hackers.thats why.i'll be damned if they try it when im working with R*,i'll zap their ps3 threw their phone line.it can be done,i had it done to my deuchebag neighbors upstair because they were stealing my internet.i don't play that!