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Posts posted by Rocka91

  1. i was dissapointed in SA. there were a few thing they said would be in it but weren't, they are

    if you drive away from the cops, the cops would grab onto the back of your car

    cops go after you for traffic laws

    if your car is all of a sudden gone you can pick it up at the impound lot

    all of these, they said would be in the game but they arent. that dissapointed me.

    Dont forget that they also didn't put in that you were able to take the trolley or w/e it's called. You know.... the train on the roads! :weird:

  2. Midnight Club is fun and all, great game overall, but I've been playing NFS games since they first came out, and I'm more of a fan of NFS now than Midnight Club. I have all NFS games I think. and only 1 Midnight Club, dub edition.

  3. ^that's cool, you can also jump from a plane, near the big pointy building in San Fierro, like go towards it, open the parachute, and drop out of it, when you land, you only lose like 2% of your health. Remember you have to be pushing up against the building or oterwise it wont work.

  4. ^ That's pretty much it. The Hotring is like a NASCAR racer type of car. You can get it after winning the stadium race in Los Santos, you race with it, and if you win, you get it and a Monster like Michelle has.It's nothing special, just accelerates quickly. For the golds, just look around on other GTA related sites for tutorials on how to beat it. I checked and passed it.

  5. I got it today. It's similar to manhunt, except for the team leading and not as much stealth, but definetly fun. I just got to mission 5. I'd suggest it if you liked San Andreas, but doesn't care about driving cars all that much.

  6. well from what you said, it sounded cool, so I'd play it over again. Because of my bad grades, no video games on the weekdays, so I'm getting this game, and they reply you gave was great. I'm gonna play it on the weekends, so I'm definetly gonna play it over once again. Thanx Taime. :)

  7. See, I'm getting this game very soon, and i've heard some negative things about it. For those of you who have it at home, how much fun is it? Will I stop playing it after I pass it? Also, is there any game that's similar to it?

  8. There should be 5 islands in the game, and once you complete the game the 5th island should be unlocked. This way you would be able to still have fun even if you already beat it.

    First island-begginig of game

    Second island-25%

    Third island-50%

    Fourth island-75%

    Fifth island-100%

    I cant really agree with that, because you will be able to fly probably by like the 3rd island, and that way, you would get all islands unlocked. And if the game is long, who would want go all the way to 100% just to unlock an island. In San Andreas, if you finish all missions, you unlock all islands, plain and simple. This is just too much to go through. <_<

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