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Posts posted by Someonesinyourhouse

  1. The cat we have over at my house did resist a little, but without any overtly significant force, we were able to get it on. I also noticed a previous one went missing and he came without a collar, and at first we weren't show which cat that was.

    You can't get your cat a collar on during its sleep, cos they wake up easily when moved/touched.

  2. It was last year where I was turning to christianity and doing that conversion. I was kinda raised christian and believed at a young age, but things changed with my mum not going to church anymore, but God later managed to find me again, and i've (usually) done my best to accept and appreciate.

  3. The skateboard would have been awesome. I think the reason they had deleted things in SA was because rockstar went through many ideas when making the game, and some were just thoughts and they couldnt fit everything on etc, but usually, what hasn't been on a GTA game is on a future one - like how some were dissapointed with no swimming, but then san andreas came along.

    Did they delete soggy clothes mode? like you know you/your clothes should be wet if you go in water, and I just realised it doesnt happen in SA.

  4. Me not doing drugs is okay with most people. However, some people can't understand why I don't drink any alcohol.

    I don't like it when others are smoking when I am near. Sometimes, when out wuth my parents that happens, and i dislike that because it gets into my system through my mouth and nose.

    I think if drugs were legal, fewer people would do them, cos with many it is the illegal factor that make people think its cool - they are breaking the rules.

  5. Well this is a game, but it's also about movies.. so not sure where this would be, but anyway, wht u do is post pictures that reflect the title of a movie, and others have to guess what film it is. if someone posts a picture of a dead person, a hard object and someone sticking up the fingers, then they may be reffering to die hard 2

    u gotta guess what movie im reffering to, looking at these pictures



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