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Everything posted by Ron

  1. What about a young Donald Love as the character, it would be interesting to play as someone who was learned and not constantly whinging about how they grew up in "'da hood" or calling people "gansta'", wouldn't that be refreshing?
  2. Donald Love would be intresting to play as, you might even find out why he left.
  3. Madchester in the modern day, either that or revisit Vice City.
  4. Maurice Chavez from VCPR would be good, in my opinion he was even funnier than Lazlow and if the two of them had a confrontation on Chatterbox it'd be awesome. Also, on www.gtagaming.com they've confirmed that Avery Carrington and Donald Love are back and I'll tell you lot an idea I threw down in the forums over there, I reckon you'll have to kill Avery in GTA:LCS for Donald Love, maybe because; 1. How Avery treated Love in Vice City 2. Carrignton is getting in the way of a big deal In any case, it'll be good to see both Love and Avery back in the fold don't you think?
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