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Posts posted by MongBaker

  1. Can I join SAPP? The camera's one of my favourite features of the game, saves on the print screen shennanigans.

    Here's a couple of my "efforts", the second ones a humour thing.



    I got distracted and crashed the damn thing :D

  2. I've seen him ;)

    OK so I lied :D

    I think there's something on top of the rail bridge from SF to LV "no beans here" or sumthin. I've also been told that if you have lo-lite or IR goggles you can see sumthin' funny in the Lil' Probe Inn but it's never worked for me.

  3. What about givin' it an "Army of Darkness" feel.

    You could run around as Bruce Campbell harvesting zombies with shovel, chainsaw etc. You could have a "gang" of all the normals you save and give them guns too.

    "Shop smart...shop S Mart <chu-chank...BOOM> heh heh heh" etc.

  4. How 'bout this:

    Tommy goes to Tokyo. Perfect. As we all know Japan is several islands and there'd be the scope for cool scenery (especially in electric city) and techno gadgets like the jetpak only crazier.

    Think of all those rain soaked streets with the neon lights!

    Cool! (And maybe ninjas & shaolin monks too) :D

  5. Minigun (although it can't bust tanks, least I don't think it can. Need the flamethrower for that) and satchel charges (plastered all over a motorbike/plane so you can bail off/out, detonating it as it plows into a load of cars and peds :D)

  6. Hi all,

    Firstly; apologies for what is probably a newb question and possibly in the wrong place.

    Here goes:

    Whenever I'm standing on top of a scyscraper I get an uncontrollable urge to snipe at cars & stuff but of course they're not there. Can you increase the "spawn distance" of cars / peds and if so, where would be a good place for me to start looking / modding?

    Any help gratefully received.


  7. :unsure: Can anyone tell me if the two-player missions are available in the PC ver of San An?

    Also if I have the SWAT tank mentioned above, is it possible to mod it so it fires bullets (like the rustler's cannons) instead of water?

    I know I can get modding help from all sorts of places, I just wanted to know if it was possible that's all.


  8. Personally, I don't think I'll ever get tired of playing the GTA trilogy. I stick with San An 'cause it's the biggest and has the most variety but I still play VC if I'm feelin' in an 80's mood.

    I think I've been playing San An everyday for a year (man I'm soooo addicted) and I still have only got to 80%. Then again I kinda left off tying up the loose ends as I got absorbed in generally farting about and doing stupid things, like seeing how far I could jump off the top of chilead (980ft in an Infernus w. nitro, haven't tried it with the tank yet tho :D) or collecting police vehicles (including the police maverick WHICH HAS NO DAMN GUN :pissed:)

    Anyway, yeah I love all the GTA's and don't think I'll ever get tired of playing them (except when APB comes out)

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