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Everything posted by Lostedx
well thanks for the comment dslppciy and yeh you are right, the Mod can run is a low/mid spec PC all you need to change it the draw distance to very very low and if you continue with some FPS lost then you can remove AA and the mod will continue looking awsome couse well all textures are over 512x512 quality you will see what alot of ppl can get in real IV
I wont do that of posting in GTAF, they hate Conversions so then they lose this big oportunity, and if i do it anyway i would get a fking big lock and a fking big Ban
Ok first OF COURSE IM ADDING THEM i want this mod becomes the best one... For everybody and for my bro here are some screenies u would like to see: And its not the only one so i hope this makes ppl wait more for the mod
Skript;well the traffic will be by paths lik gta sa do,and peds too anyway thanks and skript hope you release the pushing peds script soon
Johnathon;here are the reasons you requested. You have been formally kicked from the team for the next reasons; 1-When we gave out the mod to the teammates you didn't get the mod updated couse in the past you stole the old NY mod,why should we trust in you now that we have a mod alot better made??and even that you started to throw bad words and stuff to us just like a fking lil kid!!when you are 15!!try getting a mature brain and then you can come and talk with mature words,really you are so fking annoying when you don't get what you want...just like a fking lik kid!! 2-you just did like 3 changes to the main file,and that was your perfect excuse to belive you could have the mod and that you could have absolute power over the mod just to start saying you worked alot making the mod when I and rwils did all the crack of ass!! 3-Wtf I should care about you never removing the user bar??seriously you are a fking lil kid when you are angry,simple..we can change it to another one and add to it that you are not more in the team,so please don't come here with that kind of false rage attacks!! Moderators I'm sorry for all problems this noon caused!!and for posting this reasons that are kinda off topic but well this will clear things up for that guy so he stops posting bullshit everyday! thanks
[WIP|CONV|SA] Huck's stupid and random peds
Lostedx replied to Huckleberry Pie's topic in GTASA Modding
It looks pretty awsome , is there a way you can rig altair? -
Noel that TimeCyc you are making is beautiful btw, like 3 or 2 days ago i managed to import the "Skydome" from GTA IV to GTA SA , it looks beautiful all the thing diferent between both, this one doesnt have that awsome lightning GTA IV one got soon postin screenie of how it loooks, but this has to be applied at the end, so it fits the final size of the map
All back to the track Babeh!! The problem is fixed!
Fking shit! Yeh, the last thing i tried to do was dynamic shadows!How i can fix it Noel?...you are near the same good at modeling as me(maybe more)...this time i need your help guys
with "Payed" i refer that maybe i will get a friend to pay it for me , now... IM FKED!!!!!!!REALLY FKED!!!!! i dont know wth fking shit happend but i get inside the game and try to go to the port area and the fking shit crap crashes!!!i have been trying over 1 hour to fix it and all i get are crashes amd crahses!!!! Im getting fking mad!!!!!! Rwils i need you to upload to mediafire, the whole mod again(with all stuff you have added to it) i think i screwed mine Lock it and send me password by PM bro, if it doesnt fixes it, then i fked the mod in my Pc, and you will have to place everything in your GTA SA, couse then mine is fked whatever,im continue trying to fix it
dslppcity; Well he hasnt reply me in the Video Comment , but well i will see what he said, i would like him alot in our team, since is a good person and a modder with potential "We really need ppl like Him" Jonathon;Man, we will decide the website soon, maybe we will be using a .com(payed) domain, and well i have been adding dynamic shadows to objects in our map , i will put all the files in a new .IMG file, lock it and release the first beta, so the mod cant be stolen , the IMG name will be Vans123.IMG so all ppl know is our mod(or course that name will be only in betas, once official release happends we will change the .IMG file name to GTAIV.IMG (and if you ask why we kicked you, well is since you deserve it, i didnt kicked you Rwils Did it ,he is the leader)im just hist right-hand and bro Thanks; Rwils:Bro, why you have been so much offline from Msn?i miss talking with you about the mod, anyway hope you can get online soon
Who the fk you believe you are 1.you are pissing us off you just made 4 scripts or something like that and now u believe you are the leader and god of this mod well u are fking wrong me and rwils will decide when beta comes out not you. And stop saying stupid stuff to new ppl in the topic If that guy just registered for asking beta release date let him ask we alredy know that beta isn't comming out tomorrow-.- So please jonathon stop your noob behavour u won't get anything of this
Order!I think something here is totally damn wrong! 1-d875j gave me those buildings with the objetive of helping!he don't even care about getting betas or anything he just wants to help 2-John please don't even start to give spamm,I perfectly know you hate him!and you will even move earth and sky to bother him...remember that you were an stealer too! 3-the buildings d875j gave me maybe won't be used now couse they are from Alderney and not broker,but anyway don't shit him!he atleast tries to help! Note!*:I'm not fking protecting d875j but it's damn unfair that all start throwing him shit just for stuff he did in the past...remember we are humans we make mistakes and nobody is perfect but we can start over again:D rwils:if you have any problem with this post we can talk by msn about it:D thanks people.
Ok, Finally The Video is here! Link: If you see it right now is not renderized and it doesnt have Audio, it will get audio in no more than 30 minutes and will be Up and Ready in FULL 1080P HD max in 1 Hour So if you see it right now it wont be that interesting Hope you like it, Enjoy! Thanks
It gives passed GTA IV right? Specs? btw... I dont trust alot "Can You Run it?", since june from this year they have changed their system...before that; You could test what games you could run and they gave you the reality about the performance of the game in your system, now you can even run everything and they say "PASSED" and when you try it you dont even run the maximun performance and in that website they say you could run it in Max the old System maybe could say in every game "FAILED" but at least the say you, that you could run it in medium-performance and they gave you the perfect stuff you could need to Buy to run it Max anyway, coudl you tell me specs? i have a desktop gaming rig, i want for my brithday a laptop, since an Ipod Touch would never run GTA IV xD
1-it's supposted to be a iv to sa conversion,so I tried to use every single iv resource.Now:you thinki didn't do that of trying with my own door?...belive me,I made everything before asking for help, but well till now I have fixed it,it was a problem about i needed to re-build the full .img file XD, anyway noel don't be so hard with me,day by day I work In the mod trying to make it the best I do ,the video is being uploaded right now so expect an update soon,btw I'm writing by my iPod touch so I can't post as usually I do,I hope an update from you noel soon...about the sitting and sleeping script , thanks people! 1-it's supposted to be a iv to sa conversion,so I tried to use every single iv resource.Now:you thinki didn't do that of trying with my own door?...belive me,I made everything before asking for help, but well till now I have fixed it,it was a problem about i needed to re-build the full .img file XD, anyway noel don't be so hard with me,day by day I work In the mod trying to make it the best I do ,the video is being uploaded right now so expect an update soon,btw I'm writing by my iPod touch so I can't post as usually I do,I hope an update from you noel soon...about the sitting and sleeping script , thanks people!
dslppcity; Thanks, i made the prelight of the Map ask ryan, it costed me a damn fking piece of my ass xD anyway, thats nothing compared to what you will see when i do the Video
Lol double post, and yeh maybe making a ped or ripping one from the XBOX360 Iron Man game is easy, but well remember GTA IV uses Virtual muscles and artificial intelligence for bodies in GTA IV, so start thinking how the heck you will rigg a ped with that kind of properties without a helper or tool that makes the work easier?
My fking Shit!!Stop bumping this kind of useless threads!!My god, what fking piece of the sentence "There isnt a way to import new Player meshes to GTA IV right now!" Those skins are just already in-game peds/heads with only moved vertex and a new Texture but not a model!! wanna have that head? then go a buy the damn ZMOD 2 for 70$ and start moving the fking vertexs of a head of GTA IV and put it in-game! WoW, i would be a mod i would given you already a 2 days ban for triple posting and locked the topic for bumping in a so useless way!
NoelGamo; Yeh is possible to do that , if gta SA was posible to import a Enviorment Map of near the half of the size of GTA SA Stock map will be posible to import a simple 2 blocks Lod And Noel, i will be pleasured to Upload the full mod till what we have now and send it to you so you can explore it and add every lod you want and anything since well you are a nice Buddy and i can trust you Ryan: Man sure, today is sunday, tomorrow with all the time of the world i explain you how the hell i did to Convert a broken File, but well i recommend you dont doing it, i had to turn on my XBOX 360 just to see which textures where missing and where they are placed xD(is the bad part of that method) Thanks ppl, and well just a little taste "The Video will Bring you the preview of 2 new Dynamic interiors, full prelightned and with dynamic objects and stuff" Well cya, im going to a Party , oh yeah!
Then Bro i should say you a big "CONGRATULATIONS" i will love em could you rig one for me in special? a special request...is just 1 Ped and is the Fat guy with the jacket of Angels of Death(the one with big white beard) I dont know the name of the file but i bet you have seen it before when watching every single Ped File
Ehy, Bro with rigged i mean if they have bones so you can replace them directly to any ped of GTA SA and see it in-game running,punching,kicking and shooting. And well bro, i would suggest you attaching every single vertex to Each Bone to see a beautiful Ped working in-game
Noel, well i would think making the Niko anim, couse the basic storline is about Niko Bellic, we will do a little pack that makes u be Luis Lopez and that the Niko savehouse and the Romans Taxi Business are destroYed AnYwaY, i have near finished Brucies Garage and FUCK!someone talk to aru!!He needs to fix the tool to convert from GTA IV to GTA SA, couse some files are broken and cant be open and converted so then we will get some lots with holes for missing Buildings and structures, i found the enviorment map for a new SkY and the planes from airport so we will have em moving around and the shamals there NOTE:one of the broken files is the Little Holland Building(down street from brooklYn bridge), and the ramp that makes cars able to go up to brooklYn bridge :/ Thanks ppl, right now m PC got problems, even a Gaming Rig has his own weak points, mine this time was the HDD, it exploted!!!!i made it to be overfull and well i just heard a "BROKK" "CRAAK" and well....Fked i alread bought a new one and well started from new in mY PC is like if is a new PC!!but well take it easY!! The mod files are save in mY HDD Express so i wont fuck anthing CYa