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Huckleberry Pie

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Huckleberry Pie last won the day on August 16 2015

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About Huckleberry Pie

  • Birthday 07/11/1990

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    Surfing the Net, watching TV, reading books, and GTA of course...

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  1. Yeah, I miss the days when both our sites were rife with activity. Been trying to contact Neil lately to no avail either. If anything, people moving on to other games along with the negative impression gamers felt over Take-Two corporate's scummy business practices (e.g. microtransactions and loot boxes being implemented in GTAO and NBA 2K) have caused a decline in interest, not to mention that the Benz himself isn't pleased either as we all know. As far as spambots are concerned, I've used MyBB's built-in anti-spam feature along with the Purge Spammer plugin. Few if any are able to barge in and dump garbage into my site lol.
  2. I'm here, if that's what you're looking for. You still in touch with the others?
  3. Maybe it's just me and my affinity for those American Girl dolls, but I noticed that it seems as though R*, or at least one of the character artists/writers, took some inspiration off Molly McIntire from the AG series. Besides the name, brunette hair and of course wearing glasses, in the book A Spy on the Home Front McIntire encounters and befriends a family with the surname Schultz. Another possible allusion, as pointed out by a friend of mine on Facebook, was the town of Weston where Mr. Schultz works, well since we all know who GTAV!Molly works for, right?
  4. I'm sure some of you guys are familiar with her after I've been raving about the show some nine years ago when I first joined here. Now here she is in her stereotypically pink glory. Yeah I rigged her out of boredom, no thanks to a Temple Run clone featuring the character. As expected the game uses an off the shelf Unity engine, so it was of trivial matter for anyone with the right tools *cough* Xentax *cough*. I still have some to fix some issues though, most notably the seams and whatnot. What I'm thinking of is to rig the whole body as a unified mesh, and use very small cubes as placeholders for the legs.
  5. And that's besides actors who complained of not being paid well e.g. Michael Hollick and the like, besides the lead actor in VCS feeling disillusioned with the game's subject matter of crime and violence.
  6. Yeah and Llama apparently hasn't responded to my Facebook friend request. It's been a while since I talked to him, let alone Urbanoutlaw whom I viewed as sort of a father figure (besides my dad of course).
  7. Title says all, but this time it ain't from some low-rent clickbait site: http://www.polygon.com/2015/7/28/9055497/mafia-3-confirmed-more-details-on-aug-5
  8. It ain't indeed, most especially at the time of the PS3's first release. They invested so much into high-end tech at the time, i.e. an oddball PowerPC-based-but-still-an-arse architecture, a GPU based on the 7800GTX core, and of course BluRay thrown into the mix. Microsoft used conventional DVDs besides the ill-fated HD-DVD (via an external drive) on their 360, but it was at the cost of using more discs for complex games like L.A. Noire, Max Payne 3 and of course GTA V. The multiple disc problem wasn't that much of an issue though, unlike the N64 before when developers are severely constrained with expensive cartridges, and making a two-cart game isn't entirely feasible at all. And yeah, both DVDA and SACD never seemed to have taken off unlike the legacy Red Book format dating from the early 80s. Americans basically snubbed VCD in favour of the higher-quality DVD format, and yet we're yet to see the higher-def audio disc formats being given a chance despite optical formats getting cheaper over time. I don't mind a 128kbps MP3 myself as my sense of hearing isn't as fine-tuned anyway, but anything clearer than what we're spoon-fed with would be a welcome change.
  9. Yeah, the PS3 was so expensive at the time that $599 became something of a joke to many gamers. I currently live in the Philippines atm, where cheaper media formats are the norm - as a matter of fact, VCDs are still being sold, mostly for budget-priced films and children's titles.
  10. It'll take time for it to take off though. Bluray's been out for like ten years and yet recording media for it's still at a premium. Not to mention that the cheapest "Blu-Ray" stuff you can find here in my place are those bootleg DVDs ripped off BD sources hence the faux moniker.
  11. I know this sounds a little awkward considering the subject matter (i.e. dolls), but I thought of sharing this mostly as some of you either have fond memories of the 50s or have played period games like Mafia II before: http://livingadollslife.blogspot.com/2015/05/news-beforever-maryellen-larkin.html As something of a history buff, I do hope that they wouldn't repeat the very same mistakes 2K did with Mafia II, like anachronism stews and their focus on the more stereotypical aspects of the 50s.
  12. I haven't posted much here either, most especially as there isn't much activity going on around here compared to GTAForums and the like. I'd definitely be overjoyed if at least some of the old guys here would make a comeback.
  13. Testing GTA V on my PC atm.

  14. You can opt-out of those notifcation emails, FYI.
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