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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. I don't think anyones ever made a clothes mod. Sorry.
  2. Usually things like appearing in a room by yourself means that you either joined after the game started, or after the game ended. Also, booting eachother out can just be the result of haveing the same IP address, in other words 2 computers may not be able to play if they are both connected through the same internet connection. Online Multiplayer isn't perfect, Rockstar Games didn't even create it. It was originally created as a mod, and later adapted by Rockstar because of how popular it became.
  3. Usually changing something like the fireing rate involves opening the weapons with Notepad and combineing the weapons. I did it in San Andreas with the sniper rifle and M4. If you do try to combine weapons I suggest making a copy of the file un-changed so that if something goes wrong you can always fix it.
  4. If you have Windows XP, then download SAAC (San Andreas Advanced Control), search for it on google. I think its also up for download on this website. If you have Vista then do your best with SA's controller options.
  5. Vinny

    Ford vs. Chevy

    What does this have to do with GTA?
  6. What is a GTA Total Conversation?
  7. If you want to add more you don't have to put the actual song in the folder, you just need to put a link to the song in that folder. Highlight the songs you want, right click, and click create shortcut. Put the shortcut in the folder. If you want to add more you don't have to put the actual song in the folder, you just need to put a link to the song in that folder. Highlight the songs you want, right click, and click create shortcut. Put the shortcut in the folder.
  8. The discoloring may just be a problem with the GTA SA settings. Goto options, Display Settings, Advanced Settings. Check the screen resolution, if the number at the end says 16 (example: 800x600x16). Then highlight it and press the left or right arrow keys until you get to your screen size with 32 at the end (example: 800x600x32). The number at the end is the color. 16 Bit color should only be used with smaller graphic cards and can look screwed up if you didn't mean to set it.
  9. What operating system do you have? You should try re-installing the game (It won't affect your save game). Also, have you modded the game?
  10. I had the same problem with an intel graphics card. If yours is an Intel I suggest you read my topic. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22842 <--I don't know how to use the insert topic thing.
  11. Last I knew they don't come back, I've killed 3. You should follow the link Earthbound gave you.
  12. You can fire missiles on the Ps2 version by hitting L1. R1 locks on to other vehicles.
  13. My favorite character isn't there: The Truth He's the perfect Hippy. crazy too.
  14. Its reffering to bytes. One kilobyte is 1024 bytes. If you do the math it comes to 8504 kilobytes or 8.3 megabytes.
  15. I found the solution to playing GTA SA with an Intel Mobile Graphics card. 1) Goto Control Panel 2) On the left hand side click "Switch to classic view" 3) Find and open Intel® GMA Driver for Mobile 4) Click 3D Settings You should see a list, to edit settings on this list press the value on the right and select from the drop down list that appears. (Note: You may have to click more than once.) 5) Change the 3D settings to the ones below: ATTRIBUTE VALUE Asynchronous Flip On Triple Buffering On Flipping Policy Blit Depth Buffer Bit Depth 24 Bit Depth Buffer Force S3TC Texture Compression On Force FXT1 Texture Compression On Driver Memory Footprint High Texture Color Depth 32 Bits per Texel Anisotropic Filtering On Click Apply. If changing these settings affects other programs (such as 3D modeling) in a bad way, press Restore Defaults. So far I have not discovered any problems whatso ever with my computer, however I am not responsible for any problems that may occur. Afterwards you can play GTA San Andreas on Very High FX quality and the frame limiter off. If you have a lot of modded cars it may run choppily. If you have any questions or did not understand something feel free to e-mail me or post it here.
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