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Jezz Torrent

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Everything posted by Jezz Torrent

  1. this movie looks so awesome. i cant wait to see it. it comes out this friday but me and my friends are seeing it saturday, i wanted to see it friday but we cant so that kinda sucks but oh well. check out the movie's website, its so cool http://www.texaschainsawmovie.com
  2. well, idk. im still not sure i still have no desire to sleep with shelbey, but just to date her idk, confusing times. as of now, im officially not sure what i am but hope to find out soon
  3. well, im quite confused as to what i am now =/ im starting to have feelings for my ex gf again =/
  4. Circle: Male Do you think gay marriages should be allowed? 5 Do you think it is okay that people crossdress in public? 3 Do you think it is possible for another religion besides your own to be correct? 1 Do you think it is wrong to associate stereotypes to all people with certain ethnic background? 1 Do you think both genders are equal (instead of one better than the other)? 5 Do you think it is okay for people to dress and act abnormally? 3 Do you think it is alright for girls to have a choice when it comes to abortion? 5 Would you be willing to try something new and unusual? 3 Would you be willing to become someones friend who has a mental disability? 1 Would you accept someone who enjoys things that the rest of society has dubbed as nerdy? 2
  5. so then how would gay guys have sex?
  6. yea, im surprised as well. i thought for sure this topic would die down fast. its probably cuz of all the arguements and spam posts in this topic
  7. yes i agree with spaz, also. be who you want to, but i just dont like the girly ones. theres nothing wrong with me not liking them. im not saying they shouldnt be like that. its their business if they are or arent that way.
  8. not ALL gay guys have high pitched voices, but most do. i however do not have a high pitched voice. my voice is actually deeper than anyone i know
  9. meh, i dont mind if they joke around that way, but the ones that are like that all the time get on my nerves sometimes. they like never leave me alone and stuff yea tilly, your comment on gay sex pissed me off a lot. who cares if 2 guys are doing it. its not gross to think about or see. if you think it is, how is it gross hmm? what makes it gross cuz two men are doing it?
  10. i'll be the first to say that this was a very rude post lots of ppl have sex in the ass, not just gay ppl. please dont say anything like this again. thanks
  11. you shouldnt have anything at all against gay ppl its just annoying when theyre girly. it makes normal ones look bad
  12. theres also asexual. i had it up there, but for some reason the admins changed the asexual option to Not interested in sex or love at all which kinda makes no sense at all, but idk
  13. theres bound to be a few gay ppl on every forum girly gays piss me off =/
  14. if he is, gerards gonna be pissed =/
  15. super gay? please tell me youre not girly!
  16. as much as i love rap. all those songs/artist except royce da 5'9 sound like shit
  17. WOW, cool sig dude! its a lil big but i love it!
  18. SMCentral is NOT banned, no, but his other 20 accounts are
  19. lets just say, they all deserved it.
  20. no, what i was saying is, if i knew you were bi, i wouldntve thought you hated gays just, nvm. im confusing you
  21. well i didnt kno you were bi, and whenever i hear someone say fag, or make a gay joke, i automatically assume they hate gays. its just me.
  22. i sort of did. i was a bit surprised to find out youre bi, considering youve called ppl fag before and used gay insults. but w/e actually. i call ppl fag and make gay insults all the time lol
  23. uhh hitch, youre getting no where. chris (The owner of the forum) has just nicely asked you to cut it out. i suggest you cut it out btw, that wasnt an ass kicking. this is a serious topic so stop spamming it please thank you :]
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