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Everything posted by warg

  1. Win 7? It's but horrible, I mean. I was used it for a month for a testpc, but I couldn't find anything in that. I wanted just my IP set, but a falf hour first time... But the bubble screensaver is funny! Especially, when I was zombie from tiredness! ya, and the game with cakes!
  2. Fable, Imperium Galactica, Diablo 2...
  3. warg

    Worst PC

    Hey guys! I have the worst PC!!! Pentium II 355 MhZ, 128 MB RAM, 64 MB Graphs, DirectX 7. (With XP SP2!!), mouse with ball, screen max. 800x600. Cool, eh? But have a DVD-RW, so I download with it, and let it to be fucked off by viruses. My laptop haven't seen Internet yet, just downloaded stuff. Yo, I think, not the best defense, but so is it.
  4. Ya, average is the best way, I mean. Not too small, not too big. My friend has a big one, not too funny thing. 20 cm= 7,8" Just eeeasy!
  5. Yeah, that's, why I don't watch tv. It just rottens my brain, or what... But! I've heard something. There was a lute-artist, prof. etc, and he thought: "Oh, why should I teach, work, I just play stupid, I will be a "celeb", and I will earn much money. -> And than he plays in the tv in adamcostumes, and is fool. And famous. He want a wife now -> tv-program for that. So simple, so stupid. Yo, in the USA are there lots of shows, it's not too strange, but here... now... so, it isn't so stange here anymore.
  6. Hi! Do you have any idea, how can I load 256 or 384 MB from RAM to grow my graphics card? Where can I do that? In BIOS? Or where? How? And how can I know, if my laptop MXM module has, or not? Is there any place where I can ask in my sys about that?
  7. Hi! I play on my laptop (2,18 GhZ, 2Gb RAM, don't ask, how many video mem.), and it don't crack in 800x600, without mods, just clean. I installed 4 cars, and it was full slow. So is it with me, if you have better laptop, can be better...
  8. Nevergreen - Ezer vilag ore It's a good hungarian doom metal.
  9. San Andreas, Elder Scrolls - Oblivion, Heroes III (evergreen), Divine Divinity...
  10. Hi all! I'm interrested, whitch are the new things in GTA4, and whitch things can someone do in SA, whitch in GTA4 fail... I know "just" SA, so I wanna know it. Maybe I should buy a better PC soon...? Opinions?
  11. Thanks! So... I have not too much questions, so I thought, why a new topic? Too many topics -> too many chaos and so on. But I'll do so next time.
  12. Hi all! I just started the game, and I entered San Fiero, but the gang wars are over, everywhere Ballas-men near C.J.'s home. Question: if I play more, will come this wars somehow back, or over 4ever? I miss that, but I don't want to restart... 2nd q (stupid one ): how can I drag a trailer with a track? I tried to park there, but it does'nt join it... with the others have no problem yet. Thanks!
  13. Hi all! My notebook is a little bit small to play GTA4... But I want to buy a PC soon. So, which are the new things in this game. I know just SA ( ) and the elder ones, so what's new in the 4th? Which things can someone do in that, what in SA can't?
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