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Posts posted by Pandora

  1. I've still never built my own PC and still am using my 4 year old one. Still waiting for my dad to give me the moeny to buy the parts. But I'm going to build it. At least then I'll get it how I want it and without all the crap you usually get in a PC. They always compromise on parts. Even the Dell XPS 720 thing. It actually has pretty crappy memory. Well.. not the best, and for what you're paying you'd actually expect them to put high-end memory in the system too. Though it those come with a 8800 GTX in SLI and a kick-ass pre-overclocked CPU (Intel Core2 Extreme QX6850 at 3.67GHz). But then you do pay something like 5000 USD for that. Not whorth it at all. Just get a good cooler (watercooling if you can afford it) and you'll be able to top that for something like 1750 USD less.

  2. I checked the Alienware site once. Damn crappy.. "8800 Ultra. Alienware recommends!" Yeah duh they recommend. But just cause they charge you about 25% more then they should. If they recommend a high-end card (in those days) they should have recommended the 8800 GTX, Ultra was way to much overpriced.

    Tri 768MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 8800 Ultra – 2.3GB Dedicated Video Memory – 3-Way SLI Enabled

    [+$1,950 or $59/mo.] Alienware Recommends!

    Tri 768MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 8800 GTX – 2.3GB Dedicated Video Memory – 3-Way SLI Enabled

    [+$1,100 or $33/mo.]

    So, $850 more for getting a Ultra instead x3. They should charge just $300 extra. $850 is just absurd.


    EVGA 768-P2-N831 - VDO 768MB PCI-E 8800GTX = $566.97

    Evga 768-P2-N881-AR 768P2N881AR E-geforce 8800 Ultra Pcie 768mb = $650.44

    Just quick stuff I looked up. You should be able to get the same modles cheaper.

  3. Obviously, no.

    The first 6 stands for the serie. Currently nVidia is in serie 8 (8600 and stuff). The second digit is for the card with the same chip (sometimes it's slightly different though. Like the 8800 cards use the G92 GPU, but the GTX and Ultra use the G80).

    Anyway, the higher the second digit, the better the card. The 6150 is a really, really low end card (?). Probably (actually I'm pretty sure) it's an on board GPU that isn't really meant for gaming at all.

  4. A nice PC with XP inside it with Linux inside it... that's the life...


    Serioulsy, you can't play games when you're emulating a full OS. Just get a PC with XP and if you've got enough money you can get a extra HDD where you install Vista on for the small advantage DX10 gives you (until now it looks like almost nothing actually. You'll only notice the difference with a microscope)

  5. or are for "forum games," (those could easily go in the lounge, we don't need a section for them as there shouldn't even be that many).

    Then you'd get +1 post for things like "Eggs." "Milk." "Deal or No Deal." and everyone would have a postcount of 6000 because of those forum games.

    I also have to agree with what most of said about the Fun & Games forum since alot of us (Especially myself) go to that specific forum and go to the topic called "The Random Post Topic" which I believe is fun, but looking at the description of the topic, it says "Special gift for the 10 000th poster"; That itself can get a load of members posting in that topic because they would get a special prize. To be honest, I'm finding it a waste of time, but what is the prize first of all? A free version of GTA SA? Free version of Photoshop? Or is it just the forum based money because that to me, is seriously pointless to achieve.
    K. Well this should be a useful campaign to rapidly boost our post count right up to 500,000 so we can get on the legendary www.big-boards.com

    The only reason it actually got made. Just for TGTAP to get more posts since the GTA boards where starting to get inactive. The gift.. Yeah, just forum money. Like I've been doing for every milestone in that topic. I can't give huge amounts, but it's actually more aimed at the newer members.

    I was the one that removed the link. To be honest, he was right. Then after that ofcourse, some members come and post, and their posts where flamed based posting which drove this member away from us. I can't believe we, a large well known, good forum was said to be "awful". It really makes me feel that it's the staff's fault that we're giving examples to new members to be like this. Although the warzone is like that, most topics in their are okay, since the member could be saying sorry, or is trying to resolve the problem, but with noobish flaming happening, it's somehow driving a New Member away from us.

    Agreed. When I joined the forum felt like a very open community. It was nice cause it was rather 'small' too. It had a select few active members who somehow gave the forum a nice feel. One of the main reasons I left 2 months ago is because the forum had/has totally lost that open feeling and I wouldn't be surprised if new members would usually back of. It's the impression that usually decides if a member is going to come back or leave.

    Then about GTA.. I really have almost nothing to post there. I post now and then in the GTASA forum, but there just isn't much to say about GTAIV IMO. Only when news arrives. But I think the GTAIV section is only going to be active when people actually have the game and then can discuss it, have fun with it ect.

    An attitude change would be on its place, but I don't think we have to 'force' members to post in the GTA forums (though new members will, of course. Otherwise they wouldn't join a GTA community.

    I don't know if I'm the only one. But when I visit this site I'm not thinking about GTA at all, just about the community.

  6. Pro? Never heard of that. I'd go for the Premium (Elite will become the premium)

    Games, don't ask me.

    And if you buy a 360, XBL really is a must. It's the price of one game (so here that's 60 EUR. I don't know how much pounds.. probably something like 50). To bad you have to pay for it, but it's whorth it. But then you do have your ps3 what is online too. So if you don't think you need even more online play..

  7. Haha, yeah well. Can't see that happening in my case though. He's a prick. Some show-off guy. If he's not with his retarded friends there is no 'conflict'. We both just behave like the other doesn't exist.

    I think I actually have his face somewhere in a video. I'll make a screeny.

    *looks through lots of vids he made at school*

    Ah, found it. It's when I and a friend went shopping for food (we were going to sell milkshakes at school. Each class has there own stand. And we had to do the shopping).



    What an ass :P So as you can see, not exactly some though guy or something. Just an idiot who needs lots of attention. Just like your average 3 year old who learns to cycle with just 2 wheels.

  8. off topic: Second of Jan.. hopefully I finally get permission from my dad for a new PC.. I'm really getting sick of waiting.

    On topic:

    8800 GT, great. If you want it in Jan, then disregard the following but nVidia is probably going to start with their 9 serie in Feb. Actually, you can disregard that anyway cause it's said to be a 9600.. So yeah, great.

    500 GB HDD, I'd take less actually. But that just depends on how much you use, download ect. More of a personal choice.

    For the CPU.. I'm not very sure.. If you want it for gaming I think the E6850 is a better choice. Why? Well because it's a dual core and each individual core has more power and since most games don't multi-core CPU's and the ones that do support it can't really use it very efficiently I think the E6850 is a better choice.

    Oh, to think of it. Intel is releasing their E8500 CPU is Jan (unless I've missed something..), same price. Perhaps a better choice.

    For the memory. DDR2 is extreemly cheap now. So if you don't mind spending slightly more you could get even better and/or more RAM. Corsair is good though.

  9. kids wanting to fight anybody, then you kick there ass and they said they weren't ready or it was unfair..fuck pisses me off..

    Kid(s) who want attention and kick me when I'm grabbing something out of my locker and get very scared when I turn around and decide that I want exept it any longer (meaning I wanted to brake his bones).

    He's much weaker then me, so there just was a point that I though "WTF? Why am I taking this".

    Anyway, he also used to just hit me slightly with his shoulder if I came across him somewhere in the school. So, one time he did that and I bashed him back (significantly harder) and that was the last time he ever dared doing that again.

    I think I don't look all that strong.. that must be the reason.. Had this many times. You just have to show those bastards and they'll never dare to annoy you again.

    Reminds me. So we where going to Rotterdam harbor for some school excursion. I was rather sleepy and decided to just close my eyes and rest a little. Then the same idion thought he could annoy me with his mobile phone by playing hardcore (and I really, really hate that 'music'). So I grabed his phone and told him I'd smash it against his head (I was actually serious) the next time he disturbes my little nap. All fine, he quit. But then his smartass friend thought that wouldn't count for him. So... and.. :evil: I didn't brake his phone cause I didn't want to pay a knew one. but I'm sure that if his chest could think, it wouldn't be happy with that twat's decision.

    And then I continued having a nap :)

  10. Yeah.. that's why Super pi is so ideal for games and stuff. Cause almost all programs out there are single threaded.

    Really, why would anyone want a quad core for now (so not with any intentions for the future).

    Also, I think that Wikipedia quote is quite wrong. Super Pi can show the power of a single core. The performance from xCores (x being the amound of cores you have) is mostly determined by how well a program is scripted and optimised for multi-core CPU's.

    It is a very usefull tool to make an estimate of the speed of a CPU.

    Remember, not everything of Wikipedia is actually correct.


    So theorectically a Core2Duo in my dads laptop should be possible of doing Pi 1M in 10 seconds, but effectively that can never be done. I'd estimate it on something like 14 seconds. Or maybe quicker.. because such a calculation should be able to be optimised very good.

    But for a Game. Crytek said 2 cores would show a performance increase of 60% and Quad cores 90%. Far from the 300 (y'know, 3 more cores). So in my opinion just using one core to make such a calculation to determine the speed of a CPU(core) is the best way.

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