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  1. Mpilk901: Off-topic posts are not welcome. <<< Sorry Ryan W: no off-topic chat <<< I'm sorry >>> So, what progress with the project?
  2. And what am i looking?? Official trailer of the project!!! => NICE! The mod can run on low PC, right? The prelight is good. And good timecyc. Thanks! And the official release date in summer! Cant wait...
  3. Main Admin of Vol-GTA

  4. Ryan W, ye when release date? Will you release the project in June?
  5. WOW! That's really nice noel! Good job! WTF?? O_o OGO!!! 0_0 That's... I dont know what i can say... >_< That's excellent!!! The sky is better than in Project Reality. :YES: But, how looks this in plane in sky? )Sorry for my bad eng( Edit: vans123, Skript want to join in your team, do you know? Edit: About the sky. Those are not cloud textures,that's the Gtaiv sky<<< Very interesting =)
  6. You can create site on UCOZ. Vans123, what said my friend Skript (aka skript47) about joining to your team?
  7. LoL That's funny! Really? I HOPE! P.S. Lostedx, are you vans123, right?
  8. WOW man, you truly are gifted with animations! If you want in, you're in! Also, if you've got MSN, I'm [email protected] If you haven't, well, download it, LOL! Anyway, I'd love to have you in the team magics! I'll update the first page with your details. If you would like me to make any changes to your details (as to what you'll be doing in the team) just PM me! kk i'l download msn,and gett to work EXCELLENT NEWS!!! Ryan W, Magicsl33 is cool anim creator, Dont doubt!
  9. I'm waiting... So, are magicsl33 helping you with anims?
  10. Yes, you are. The video is soon... Wah! Interesting. The graphic looks like GTA4, isnt it?
  11. Ura! (yahoo!) Cant wait! When will you realise it? But What is nah?
  12. VERY thank you for the information!! This is very valuably for me. Because paranoin.android... ...so OK. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I'm very glad to read this! See you soon. Edit: Who is he? ^^^^^^^^^^ http://www.youtube.com/user/HeroBioYui
  13. The screens from Script's PM. The PM from paranoid.android Man ok. So just give me what i want from you. - your bahama mamas for SALC - your IV-SA stuff. i'll be thankful <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Magicsl33 said that paranoid.android is bosnianrichie who stealed GTAIV Trees for SA. Look -> http://www.youtube.com/bosnianrichie
  14. Ryan W and your team, great job!!! And i would like create article on my russian site about your project, because i really really like your project! So, can i ask question? Are this screens from your modification? http://yfrog.com/7agtasa2009102903045592j http://yfrog.com/75kopyas3gtasa20091029145j http://yfrog.com/31gtasa2009102914501939j http://yfrog.com/61gtasa2009102914505332j http://yfrog.com/0lgtasa2009102914490959j
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