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Status Updates posted by BlackListedB

  1. Added a comment to R* Newswire, it's been held for moderation, wonder what that means!?

  2. Revisiting Uncharted 3 on PS3, amazing as ever!!

  3. Blacklisted AGAIN by Rockstar NW staffers... Not fun!

  4. PC version GTA5, will be watching for any TV news stories, ads, etc!! COOL!!

  5. Be sure to catch the annual Watchathon for cable TV USA viewing this month!

  6. Spent some time on Newswire comments helping people get Intel Informed!

  7. Xbox360s I own, ODDs both acting up, May need replaced

  8. Twisted Sister RIP requem required for AJ...http://www.metal-archives.com/artists/A.J._Pero/25016

  9. If you missed my user info for GTA5, keep a HDD and USB identical profile and only use ONE online before updating!!

    1. BlackListedB


      In other words, one that constantly changes via online, and one for offline archive, pre-changes

  10. MSN's story about Charlie Sheen's racist Tweet was in regard to using a racist name for Obama

  11. A Craigslist laptop sale goes south when I heard the guy bought a computer over the weekend, without a followup! HATE THAT

    1. BlackListedB


      I take my sales seriously, I need the bread, man! haha

  12. A recent eBay auctioned ROG Asus G73JH sold for less then $50!!!!

  13. Webmaster of GTAChronicles tells me he's handing the domain over to Tripmills, for the time being

  14. Ah, money! Payday today

  15. Asus ROG G75 newest 4th gen is $2500! I'm building another 2010 model!

  16. Tried PP My Cash, which so far is NOT WORKING. Sent Paypal an email complaint. Be Wary of this cash to PP method!!

    1. BlackListedB


      Today My Cash card did work, best procedure, log in at Paypal FIRST!

    2. BlackListedB


      Type in the URL next for Paypal/cash, then you can enter card data, if things go right

  17. Will be getting back into GTA and RDR Online soon!!

  18. More spambot postings, I see this is going to be rough going at present

  19. Noticed the other day, thousands of guests in attendance, much more then the 200-300 normal on average

  20. Thank you, STAFF, for deleting the spam we had earlier today, I was here but not logged on that computer, so I couldn't notify you guys. Appreciate your cleaning things up!

    1. Chris


      It was insane. I wasn't on for a period of about 48 hours. Started flagging manually as normal until I realised over 3000 posts had been made by about 300 accounts. Not sure how so many got through in such a short time, perhaps anti-spam service was down. Either way, I simply restored a backup from 2 days prior since there'd been little to no legit posts in that time, thanks to our inactivity!

    2. BlackListedB


      Likely due to GTAC being down for the count still, we had a flood of Russian based members, so it appeared. My friend and webmaster Mike swept them all out, and it worked!

  21. DAMN CABLE RATES going UP BY 50 BUX That's INSANE!

  22. Protests in MPLS over Ferguson verdict turn near deadly with a Hit and Run incident!

  23. National Metal Day they say, BH1 Classic cable Tune In!

    1. BlackListedB


      *VH1 Classic

      typo yet again

  24. Don't miss Dick Cavett AND Sammy Hagar on AXStv's Tom Green Live!

  25. Phil Rudd in court looked haggard and OLD, such a shame

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