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Miles Pedro Prower

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Status Replies posted by Miles Pedro Prower

  1. White hair, demon horns, sharp teeth, black and yellow eyes, demon wings, and a scary demon right hand... is it a good idea? lol

  2. White hair, demon horns, sharp teeth, black and yellow eyes, demon wings, and a scary demon right hand... is it a good idea? lol

  3. is seeing Dr. Hans Jerkov.

  4. White hair, demon horns, sharp teeth, black and yellow eyes, demon wings, and a scary demon right hand... is it a good idea? lol

  5. White hair, demon horns, sharp teeth, black and yellow eyes, demon wings, and a scary demon right hand... is it a good idea? lol

  6. White hair, demon horns, sharp teeth, black and yellow eyes, demon wings, and a scary demon right hand... is it a good idea? lol

  7. join this server.It's awesome! If you join, tell me, so I can recruit you in my MC. >:)

  8. join this server.It's awesome! If you join, tell me, so I can recruit you in my MC. >:)

  9. join this server.It's awesome! If you join, tell me, so I can recruit you in my MC. >:)

  10. join this server.It's awesome! If you join, tell me, so I can recruit you in my MC. >:)

  11. Is anyone else bored and tired of TUN3R replying at your comments? lol xD

  12. has to wear glasses with minus four and a half degrees lens.

  13. Status with no reason other than seeing a stupid comment by Samil's husband.

  14. Is anyone else bored and tired of TUN3R replying at your comments? lol xD

  15. Status with no reason other than seeing a stupid comment by Samil's husband.

  16. Status with no reason other than seeing a stupid comment by Samil's husband.

  17. Status with no reason other than seeing a stupid comment by Samil's husband.

  18. Brazil - 1 Romania - 0! That ALMOST makes me proud of being Brazilian

  19. First one to reply to this status gets admin access. Last one to reply gets banned. Gogogo

  20. Brazil - 1 Romania - 0! That ALMOST makes me proud of being Brazilian

  21. Is anyone else bored and tired of TUN3R replying at your comments? lol xD

  22. Is anyone else bored and tired of TUN3R replying at your comments? lol xD

  23. Brazil - 1 Romania - 0! That ALMOST makes me proud of being Brazilian

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