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Everything posted by ShotGunDave

  1. ~~GirlFriends Sucked, I hated having to go every nite to keep them happy, you dont get anything at the end of them, could be worked on... if not then its in the Dump Pile! ~~Territories, Ok Maybe not one for the dump pile but should be worked on, Trying to go across town with full armour and bullets for a mission was hard when you had to protect your territory with bastards with shotguns its hard to avoid them, Then after you need to go and buy some new ammo and armour waste of time if you ask me. ~~Driving schools/Boating etc ... How annoying was the last mission in driving school, i must of dun it 50 times maybe more!! No need for schools ok at the begining of the game you could have a brief driving lesson to start off the game, but the schools sucked! ~~Zeroing in, PLZ PLZ PLZ no more! nothing more fun in the original GTA games were you have the romote control car that blows up.. but the Zero missions and the one from vice city i think called demolition man just was so anoying, i could of done the job faster in a wheel chair if i had one.
  2. I agree, it would be funny to come out of your safe house and find your car on bricks with no wheels if your in a ruff neighbour hood.. haha comedy!! , Police AI is already good But could be improved on, i hated it when your turning a corner and a squad car clips you when its their fault, you have a star after you before you no it your very nice car is ruiend in a high speed get away! At the moment i play Vice City and i still love it even no the bigger and better San Andreas has by far replaced it, I say bring back the sunny, side of GTA, Miami or Long Beach CA, or a NewYork high dence city, i love just roaming about the cities in flashy cars and stopping at Traffic lights seeing the sights or takling freeways, maybe they could add more play for gamers who like that sort of stuff. Ok maysound silly, but in GTA ive noticed a couple of car washes? do they work? if not lets see them working, when it rains in the country side and you drive over a puddle and your car gets dirty why not go to the garage and fill up the tank and give the car a nice clean! sounds silly but its a nice feature for those players who like realisim.
  3. I have enjoyed all the GTA games and they are getting better and better, But everytime i find a really nice car that i want to keep, it usually only lasts about a 10mins and then its onto the next car. It would be good to some how keep your car for longer instead if u go into a shop and come out and its gone, also what would be good, would be to use ur boot in the car to put objects in like basketball or guns or whatever you can think off. Ive also read about children and animals and stuff, I really dont think that R* can put them in the game one it would be banned immediatly for cruelty and all that other crap you hear in the papers, two it has no relivence to the game apart from a nice realistic feature. But you do get some weird people who would like to go into a school and start poping caps in teachers assess and that kind of stuff will come back to haunt R* if they put that in the game.
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