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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Could you point out something significant, because I can't tell a change at all.
  2. Shit, I can't remember if I put that I was 18. I usually do for these sort of things.
  3. I have no doubt that it was a "stunt", I'm not arguing with you about that. I just want to know how it was done. It's sorta like, I'll believe it when I see it. Well ECW is on, so I'll talk later. EDIT: They had a moment of silence for Vince and the fans kept booing every time the bell went off. I mean, would if he really did die...how frolicking(word filter) disrespectfull.
  4. There is going to be an online Resistance tournament soon if anyone here is interested. I don't know really any of the rules because once I saw that you had to be 18 years old I stopped looking at it, but if you guys want to take a look at it...have fun.
  5. What do you mean "barely"? Please point out where you see a change in tape.
  6. Then never changed cameras when he got in. Watch these GIF images, you could see his foot go in and right after the door closes and it goes up in flames. In the second one the first 6 miliseconds are slowed down to 6 seconds so you could see that the camera didn't cut away or anything. I'm not trying to say its real and shit. I just want to know how this was done...I mean shit does happen. If I find anything I'll be sure to tell you guys...I just don't see how he could have gotten out that fast or get under cover some how.
  7. ...Raw is a live show. There was no clip changing, it was on the same camera.
  8. I would like someone here to tell me how someone could get out of the other door and out of harms way that fast. As soon as the door closed the limo went up...
  9. Ehhh, I'll put it up on filefront then.
  10. And, err, have we got a time yet, i remember the last one was like half 11 here, idc rly, i'll stil stay up... OGTAM! Pwetty Pwease? If I told you guys the site, word would spread about it and it'd get swamped. If my source goes good, I'll have the trailer up on Youtube ASAP.
  11. WWE/ECW Draft 2007 Hoooly shit. It's some what hard to put into words, but the end was...not all that surprising...at least not for me. SPOILER\/\/\/ I'm just curious now how the WWE storyline will continue...this is a pretty extreme thing to do in a storyline that the WWE has. EDIT: News Headlines on the official WWE website minutes after the "incident" OFFICIAL SOURCE
  12. If I add an emoticon it'll sort of ruin the inside joke. BUT whatever. Back on topic. I read the first two books along with all the movies because my one friend literally draged me to the movie theater to see them and I was able to pick out that the books are far different from the movie. A bit obvious though, I don't really know any books that are like the movies. There are always things missing or added.
  13. Dude, I said they were jealous of us as a joke. I was talking to Dazza over MSN the other night about certain shit and I started to throw shit like that at him as a joke. I meant it as a joke here as well because Dazza was in the topic, but you had no way in knowing that. It was an inside joke and I don't think that shows "extreme-arrogance" as you put it. But I will agree with you on one thing. You are full of yourself.
  14. I know another site that will have the trailer along with being over looked so there wont be really anyone going on it, which means their server wont crash. Yay for me!!!
  15. Oh really. Where does it say "The American Culture couldn't handle the word Philosophers cause they don't what it means and the little kids would get confused." Or is that your own little ignorant view on it because you're jealous that you can't live in America like everyone else in the world would like? You obviously have major problems with people from the US much like everyone else I've ever talked to that lived some where other than the US. You guys need to find something better to do or some shit because it just makes you and everyone from your country look like retarded assholes. If something as little as a name change to a movie, only in one country that you don't even live, bothers you that much...you should just die in my opinion. I'm not going to continue this in this topic, but if you want to, PM me or talk to me over MSN about this.
  16. -Sonny Forelli -Vice City Girl -Ken Rosenberg -Avery Carrington -Carl Johnson -Diaz -Lance Vance -Phil Cassidy Let me know what you guys think.
  17. Beats the [gently caress(nice word filter)] outta me. "We Americans" can't read each other's minds, but you non-americans obviously do since you asked me such a question.
  18. Well you really got screwed. If I come across a solution to your problem, I'll be sure to let you know.
  19. Oh yeah, cause you know us americans. We have huge national meetings about these sorts of things and together we decide on whether or not we should change the title of a movie...you guys are really retarded.
  20. I don't know if you were joking, but damn. I keep hearing people from the UK, Australia, South America and other places about how the US, which is what you're most likely talking about, is so bad because of all these stupid reasons. Do you guys not have anything better to do? Are all these places that are pissing all over the USA that boring? I'm just curious. Just so I'm not that off topic...I don't own any weapons...yet. *dramatic horror music*
  21. Thank you, Philosphers stone is what it's called and the stupid Americans can't handle that word. Anyway's I think the best book to movie was Chamber of Secerts, but as a movie the Goblet of Fire was the best. I don't really like Harry Potter that much, but I did go see the first Harry Potter movie on a field trip in 6th grade and the title in the movie was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and everyone in the movie kept calling it that...so I don't get where you're getting "Philosphers Stone" from. The funny thing is, you said "and the stupid Americans can't handle that word." But then Bear said "Its really agravates me when I see sorcerers stone"...so it looks like people from the UK can't take it when people call it Sorcerer's Stone and it seems neither can you Dazza.
  22. Yeah, the church wants that...that's what I said. I would assume it would affect the sequel because it's causing them to lose money to take it off the shelves, if it comes to that.
  23. "LONDON — The Church of England accused Sony Corp. on Saturday of using an English cathedral as the backdrop to a violent computer game and said it should be withdrawn from shop shelves." -SOURCE- It has been said that the hit PlayStation 3 video game, Resistance: Fall of Man might be taken off of shelves for having a church in the game. This may be the reason as to why the first set of downloadable content for Resistance hasn't been put up on the PlayStation STORE. With this happening, is there any chance for a sequel to Resistance? It's hard to tell now, but lets just hope mankind could get a chance to rise against the Chimera in the now less likely sequel to Resistance: Fall of Man, "Resistance: Rise of Man". If Sony does not remove the game from the shelves along with give an apology for putting the church in such a violent setting, the Church of England will take legal actions to get the game off shelves. So hopefully taking the game off the shelves doesn’t kill the chances of us getting a sequel to this awesome video game.
  24. Well if you read my SCARFACE: The World Is Yours topic, you would know I got the collector's edition. I suggest you just play it on your PS2 if it worked for you on there. Just wondering, what kind of PS3 do you have and where do you live? Might be the answer as to why Scarface doesn't work too well in your PS3.
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