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Everything posted by Bear

  1. I think thats a great idea, it could include any gang with different types of missions. It also would give the character a dark past like all the other characters whic gives the characters depth as well as an interessting character to play as.
  2. I agree they are getting old. Toni was an Italian so I think its time for something new. Maybe Mexican or Columbian as likes with the Cartel.
  3. I liked Catalina she was an interessting character with good missions. I would like to see her return in GTA 4, who says she died n GTA 3. Toreno faked his death, she couldve had too.
  4. Who says if its London that thye have to be english? London has a huge range of enthnicities. If their English I hope their not a cliche stereotype of an Englishmen.
  5. All the main characters have been American or Italian American. Is it time for a change and have for example a French main character?
  6. The mission is in the Badlands strand. Before "Are you going to San Fierro" he never speaks even after he has lost a race and his garage.
  7. He was just in the background mainly but he just stared at CJ when Catalina was flaunting him infront of CJ at the race "Farwell my love......." was the mission.
  8. In LCS she calls a hit on him. Isnt that sweet and loving but yet he still sucks up. He acts tough in the missions but he is annoying. His missions rnt gd u mainly work for 2 bosses and a couple of others.
  9. He didnt speak in SA and CJ called me him a mute and a "Snake without a tongue" makes sense he didnt even groan in pain when on fire.
  10. I have a good tip for you. Clean your discs with black shoe polish it works wonders i use that on my CDs. Toni is just annoying he lives up Salvatores and his Ma's arse. He is such a suck up.
  11. Yeah I had to replace san andreas and vice city because of scratches. GTA 3 actually dispeared out of my house so i had to replace that too. You can get LCS on PS2, that how i played it. I wasnt gonna pay £200 for a PSP then another £50 for LCS. It costs £20 on PS2
  12. relaxing. I would feel at peace again. lmao. I just couldnt stand Toni he made LCS boring.
  13. Very fancy word KP. Na Toni's time has come to an end. Tommy should take him out, or the charater you play in GTA 4. That would be quite therapthueic as Toni was very irratating.
  14. That would be really cool. Tommy though would just get a colt python out of his pocket and shot CJ. If only he could argue with Toni.
  15. Well he cant talk as he is a mute. I dont think he made a good main character as he just had no expression he just did what he was told and thats boring.
  16. CJ should make a cameo, it wouldnt surprise me if he is married to Denise. I thought it was the cop girlfriend who had 3 kids. I would hate Claude to return I didnt like him at all.
  17. It would be a major twist, as he cant shout you never know if he got shot.
  18. They should include tommy as he seems to be the most popular. I dont think claude will return, i think R* will want a twist. Maybe Catalina is alive and torments CJ again.
  19. How do we know Claude is still alive? When you hear the gun shot it doesnt mean Claude shot Maria someone might have shot them both after all Claude was hated. It couldve been Catalina, who said she was in that helicopter it might have been a decoy like Toreno's death.
  20. Yeah thats a good idea. He doesnt have Lance, Rosenburg, Avery or Kent Paul. Claude might never return as when you hear that gun shot who says it was just Maria who got shot.
  21. Yeah that would be cool, missims from Tommy. Wouldnt you wonder though, why he isnt in Vice City? He had a drug and protections ring in a mansion, why would he give that up?
  22. I would like CJ to return. He was my favourite playable character. Tommy should return too, but not Toni. he was boring to play as he was just a mammas boy.
  23. We have al played these characters but would you want any to actually to return?
  24. yeah he was. Probably wouldnt be a manin character as thats all he actually done. Not very good missions. It should be set after GTA 3 so you can find out what happened to the Yakuza and the mafia. After all most were wiped out.
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