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Posts posted by CHEW-GUN

  1. You mean you already saw the trailer"?? I'm still f***in wating.DAMN

    No silly, the countdown ends at the same time for everyone, it's just the rockstar website isn't working for some poeple.

    Oh,good(breathing heavily). I kinda suck at this whole different time in the world thing. >.< OH DARN, T-MINUS 40 mins

    My San Andreas Can't Wait Either. I posted the pic for POTD,but its not up.

    (clicky for better view)


  2. Mine loads up instantly. I can't believe its only 52 minutes to go. AHHHHHHHHH!! still too long.

    Hey is any of you gonna go like 5..4..3..2..1..REFRESH!!


    T-MINUS 49 minutes as of now

  3. It's not really a bad Idea having 'Member of the Month', although the negative side of it can lead to having the same member if it depends on their activeness.

    But in my opinion, I think that having 'Member of the Month' would lead to alot more members joining our site, but if it's based on how much posts they have, then I think that would have a negative side.

    I'd have to say that if someone posted alot and is in the direction of the Member Of The Month title, could loose it, because of swearing, arguing or disrespecting. So it shouldm't be only fo the most posts. Help,humor,activity in all.

    OR if youre a girl, you could sleep with Chris :P

  4. He, I played Half-Life, Punisher, Doom, GTA3, VC, SA, Will Rock...

    And I'm under 18 and when my parents enters the room I just pres Ctrl+Alt+Delete...

    Dont they get suspicious why you all of sudden turn something off?? Anyway, ALT+TAB works best IMO, and yes, I use the same trick. Hey, anything to get to play GTA :P

  5. To Be Honest ;)

    Na, I believe you, it's just that you look a little yougher. I'd say 15.

    Sure ^_^ Maybe its just the pic. Idk. But all I'm glad is I'll be able to buy GTA IV. I'll definitely have a PS3 by October. I might get it from one of those EveryFreeGift sites. They ARE for real, but you still end up paying like unded 30 dollars.Still better than 600.

  6. We already have alot of awards, why more?

    If TGTAP had more awards having a award wouldn't be really special anymore.

    No I was just thinking that the Poster or Member of the month wouldn't be such a bad idea. Maybe have a page with the winners, something like they have in stores.

  7. TBH, you look yougher on your pictures.

    @Gycu: I wish I had such a dad.. Mine doesn't even let me be a member of a forum. He actually said I'm never ever aloud to visit TGTAP because he saw the word 'drunk' in one of Sky's posts. That for a person who get's drunk himself.

    TBH,who is that? ME? If so, I am honestly 16.

  8. Another idea CAPS OFF.


    You could get banned for shit like that. As far as I remmember respecting other members is part of the forum rules. Starting arguments and insulting members won't get you popular,freshmen.

  9. I see that most people in here will agree that it all depends on the understanding of the kid whos playing it. As for me, I'm 16 and My b-day is on October 10th so I'll be 17 in time to be legal to buy the game. No worrys here. and no facial hair needed either. No offence Skyline. Its just funny :lol:

  10. Sheee, I was going to get a job at Wendys today( to earn for PS3 obviously) but will skip that becuz of the trailer. My Fraps is up and running(the registered version) and its T-Minus 5 Hours for me here in Cali. I'm probably one of the last to be able to see the trailer. Right? or.. I dun get it.

  11. oh yeah. In the Manhunt 2 trailer(first one) its a still image with voice over and a shot of the main character. Not much revealing at ALL. They do tell a bit about the story. As far as I remmember, your the main characted in a hospital, and your sister is involved.

  12. This trailer better show something, I don't care if it's 10 seconds. It just better not be the release date with a guy say "Grand Theft Auto IV, coming soon." The closer it gets, the more I think that's gonna happen.

    But don't you just hope that it'll be more than just that??? I mean have you seen the Manhunt 2 trailer? I seriously don't want GTAIV trailer to end up that way. NO nono, they need to reveal some good stuff, like some landmarks so we could start guessing the location.

    Yeah I definitely want more, I want the f***ing game now. I'm just saying I at least want a little bit instead of a guy just saying that it's coming out in October.

    Point taken. But I don't think R* will be that poor on revealing the content. Its just not like them.

  13. great note on the online play. New faces whould be very refreshing but indeed showups by say Tommy Vercetti(who knows what he'll be doing there) would be great. Besides, he wasn't shown in SA,only refered to. But than again, Its a whole new GTA so it's most unlikely aswell. All I want is Mafia. None of that GANGSTA stuff, really unserious.

  14. Now I know there is wishlist and other topics,but I think here, everyone should Just tell all their expectations, from how It'll begin to style, to Difficulty level. Not like a wishlist, but create your own SHORT story in any point point in the game. Flying cars?Mysterious Sightings??

    Just say what are your expectations. The Countdown is ticking, and we get more restless.

    I'll begin. The beggining is a high level crime is done and your mafia is being busted on spot by all posible forces. You and some of your mates run off, the whole gang is elsewhere,most are either shut down or bust. And then the story build as you try to rebuild the Great (any mafia name here) to biggest men in city of crime. Aquiring properties. Recruiting other guys from street. Bringing all the old soldiers together as well as fighting your opposition who trying to take advantage of the failed raid. Serious killing, I mean Godfather like, not Gansta shoot and Run.

    Now Chris, i did look through as many other threads as I could, so If someone has made a topic like this before, burn this one. Or we could share or hopes and dreams.

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