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Dark Lord

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Posts posted by Dark Lord

  1. Da, jesam, kao sto mi pise u location. Ovo sam inace i prije radio, pa je neko od admina popizdio jer je kao samo engleski dozvoljen.

    And actually JayD, TSO was by Ghost, Engel and me. Besides, you've got some vids in the site's download database. Not some masterpieces, but certanly some nice ones.


    But i usually forget them.

    Made by Impakt, from my crew. :)




  2. ^ should really consider leaving piracy chat out of the forums >.O

    < Will tell Shot A Bear that RapidShare is a website used to upload/download things. Like Photobucket, only with files and bigger stuff.

    V Wishes they had my cell phone, the Sony Ericsson Walkman W810i.

    ^Lol has a Nokia N72 so is not worried.

    <Thinking to do more stunts for the Collab Vedio

    v Is thinking WTF is this Collab

  3. :worship: And Slayer i tried Re-rendering.And it reduced the 139 Mb to 101Mb :worship:

    No, I didn't mean to re-render the output file. I meant that you reduce the bitrate of the vid and render a new file. That way you'll get the best size/quality. I'd tell you to use MPEG-2, 640x480, between 1777kbps (minimum) and 2500kbps. Atleast that's what I use (1777kbps, not big difference, but a smaller file). You might wanna try WMV9 aswell.

    OK will try that too.

    Howz my new Sign moto

  4. we willl know by 2012!!!! so get ready!!!! :yup:

    Why specifically 2012?

    UFO is not something you can believe in or not believe in..... It isn't a questionable thing. UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. There ARE flying objects, and some of them we can't identify. That would be a UFO..... UFO does not mean alien...

    Yeah.Like an Unidentified Plane in No-Fly Zone.

    UFO doesnt specifically means theres an Alien in it.

  5. I didn't know either till a few days ago. Search for Ronnie Coleman on google pictures.

    Okay I've made 23 posts today on this forum. I'm done now, I'll do 10 for this post and then do my daily exrcise, then a freezing shower, then go to sleep...

    Check my at Top 10 Posters :worship:

  6. I would consider myself too be in a good physical condition cus i play alot of sports.

    But i totally agree

    Of course there are exception. Pick 888ball for example. He's much stronger than me, I probably won't do a muscle up with legs pointed forwards/upwards withing next 6 months...

    Well, I know that Shifty plays basketball and Scythe plays football, while Ghost is a trial biker. I dunno about others, how about you guys?


    I drive my Bike,Play Cricket or Badminton or FootBall( if someone brings to the groung though)

    And thankz to you i now do 10 press-ups

  7. You know, funny thing is that most people you meet on forums are in a horrible physical condition, unless it's a forum that's related to some kind of sports or disciplines that include body activities. In that case it's vice-versa.


    Still online.

    I though you might kill me reading :rolleyes: above

    ANd yeah +10

  8. I dont know? Anyway, who was organizing the community vid and stuff?

    You mean the one in Past.

    i dunno.I came pretty late on the scene at that time.

    But i read the post later.

    And some guy called Scythe(yeah i think i got the spelling wrong) who agrees on editing.

    And 3 stunters.Probably we'll get more.Once the members wake up tomorrow and read this up.

  9. Meh i could do that

    1...2...3... ugh ugh help *dead*


    1993 - 2006

    Died beacuse of coping Lord Voldemort and all of those Big Mac's from mc donalds


    I think you need a good trainee.Who gives you inspirational speeches.

    Duh!! Like... Slayer :bleh:

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