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Posts posted by spyrolot

  1. i have made some forums that are not that succesful, i have 2 other members apart from me, and they are friends i know. i would really like it if you joined ym forums, they are not that good at the moment, but hopefully they will be.

    i have forums about gta san andreas, vice city, and the rest. i have not finished them yet. i have a general chat, and other game concole chat. i have things like role play forums, and i am soon to be adding a request a forum, forum. it does not look that good either, but hopefuly i will make it better soon. so if you dont mind joining, please do. and dont wait for more people to join before you do because everyones probably gonna do that and i will never get any one lol. the link is : http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/index.php?mforum=gtasa

  2. um, .... ryders dead :blink: but i think it should be SUPER big and have all the island there has ever been in any gta and some extras, that would be the BEST. but there probs aint enough room, and i reckon it should be after all of them, i dont know if they actually said when gt 3 was set but i know know it is AFTER san andreas, but i reckon it should have what happens to c.j and that,

    :::: possible spoiler::::

    like in san andreas we see catalina leave with fido ( no named mute from gta 3) and catalina makes an appearence in gta 3, so that is sorta telling us that is how they meet, so i woauld like to know far after that, even if they set it in the future, it would be sweeet

  3. today i was on here at school and i wondered if there was a new skin for san andreas, there was none. and when i get home, the second post i see. is about a new skin. cool. i have ot make do with the vice city one but i hate pink lol. i mite have a new one now. hope there is one soon. bbbyyyeee

  4. i think it is the mission when you are being shot at by police and the police jump on your car while someone else is driving and u r shooting (sorry for not giving the name) it goes into a video and you crash through a sprunk bilboard. there is a logo saying something like the taste fo things to come, of something like that. but when you crash through it , it takes the "things to" so it says "tastes like come"

  5. i have a ps2 and i dont think there r any. aint it only 4 da ps 2 ???. but i know you can have a camera. not dat is cool. so you dont need to hurry. about it. ( i did in vice city when i saw the flying car glitch. and i got osme pretty crap images out of it. u can still see them a bit. but with the camera on san an you can take ure time and look at ure photos to see fi dey r ok. I LOVE IT

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