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Everything posted by DrSil

  1. I know this has been said (and I probably said it in my earlier posts, but can't remember) I would like it if the next GTA game had a branching storyline and a immersive huge adventure-like setting and it would take place after the events of GTA 3, in mid-2000's or late 2000's (2003-2010) You would start out in the new city (perhaps Carcer city?) and as you progress in the game, you can choose to go Liberty City, Vice City or any of the San Andreas cities via the Airports. Also, you should be able to choose which gang/mob you join up with in the middle of the gang. You should be able to choose join: The Leone Family Mafia: which is now ran by Joey Leone after the death of his father by hands of Claude, you must help the Leone mafia regain their grip on Liberty City and then expand elsewhere (Leone's takeover of Carcer City, San Andreas and Vice City ) San Andreas mob: (a collaberation between the Grove Street Gang and Fog Mountain Triads) since 1992, they've had control over many parts of San Andreas. You must gain their trust by doing missions for them and then help them take over LC, VC and CC) The Vercetti mafia: Tommy Vercetti is an aged man, and he wants someone worthy of taking over his business empire (Tommy Vercetti's + Vic Vance's) business empire and mafia on Vice city before he passes away. Once he passes away in a really tragic cutscene in a mission where you have to take him to a hospital and hands over control of his empire too you, you must expand Vercetti's and Vance's legacy to places like San Andreas, Liberty City and Carcer City. Or you can work undercover with the government and secret service, with Mike Toreno giving you orders, he will ask you to go around the country and assassinate people such as Joey Leone, Toni Cipriani, Wu Zi Mu, Carl Johnson Ceasar Vialpando and Tommy Vercetti, ext you will not get any starting businesses (you will have to get your first business by fighting while not on a mission) but Government agent missions will pay you very generously compared to Mafia missions. Or you can be completely independent and start up your own crime family, your mob will start out weak, armed with only their fists, melee weapons and few pistols and your members will wear plain T-shirts and jeans, and they will drive cheap cars and bicycles, but once you progress in the game and make more money, you can upgrade your gang's weapons, threads and cars/motorcycles. Also, as you go around the country, you can increase your gang sides by gathering splinter gangs (gangs displaced by protagonists in earlier games.) you can gather support from people like the SA Ballas, Vagos, Da Nang boys, Rifas, VC Haitians, Cubans, Street Wannabes/Sharks, Bikers or LC Diablos, Triads, Yardies, Hoods to give support to your custom gang and help you fight "gang empires" (eg. Vercetti Gang, Leone Family, Yakuza, SA Mob) thus helping you gain control of cities, it wouldn't be wise to underestimate smaller gangs. You would gain support from gangs by doing missions for each of their leaders. If you own your own gang, you will have to start from scratch (just as you would if you were working for Toreno) with your nation-wide criminal empire. You could start out running a localized small time group of thugs armed with nothing but pocket knives, baseball bats and cheap pistols, ext while your gang members drive old cheap cars and bicycles and wear hand-me-down clothes and rags. Then you work yourself up to running a nation-wide paramilitary/militia force armed with heat-seeking missile launchers, M4s and SPAS shotguns while your gang members drive around in Patriot Hummers and Barracks trucks while weaing military camouflage. Plus....I don't the big deal behind speedometers....
  2. Nah, I'm not really into ghetto. In this new GTA, I would like it if you were some undercover government agent or a foreign spy. Maybe have a younger Mike Toreno as the character. It would be mixing 007/Splinter cell and GTA...to a degree... and Toreno would go up against Soviet agents, Drug cartels and various mobs in a late 70's/Early 80's style setting. Paris Hilton as the gf....Nnnnnoooooooo!!!!!
  3. I didn't like True Crimes much (especially since you can't switch guns in that game), but there is one thing Rockstar should incorporate into the GTA series from the True Crime games, the hand-to-hand fighting style should be more "in depth" where if you character hits a person and you get into a fight with a random pedestrian, you actually get into a fight with him/her instead of your character always beating the crap out of the ped so easily and you can learn new fighting styles from the dojo, like you could do in SA but this time, you can use combos and fatality-like moves against people once their health gets really low. I also think the fact that Claude, Tommy, CJ and Toni were the strongest fighters in their games made it unrealistic and kinda unfun. What i'm saying is, either make pedestrians either stronger or weak than one another, and they would have their own random fight styles and when you get into a fight with a pedestrian, you go into a in depth fight where you can use combos like you could in True Crimes. (that's the only thing I liked better about True Crimes than I did with GTA, the hand-to-hand fighting. Otherwise, GTA is superior in all other ways.)
  4. Yeah, but i'm too lazy to read through 74 pages of ideas on this thread. Also, they should NOT, and I repeat NOT put any sex in the new GTA game. Although the majority of people on these forums might not agree, I thought "hot coffee" was a stupid idea and messed up. "I want a game, not an eternal damnation to hell" -Maddox. Also, marying a girl and raising a family in GTA?!?! WTH?! No offense, I like both the Sims and GTA, but I like them separately! Mixing the free roam, do anything-go anywhere concepts of GTA with the Family simulation and management of the Sims would not be the best idea.
  5. I haven't read all the posts on this forum, so my ideas will probably be the same as others on this thread. And some of my ideas will overlap with past GTA game features. 1. There should be a near-future or 2005-2007 storyline or a near future storyline. With new cars such as the "Kuruma Hybrid" or "Patriot XX" and other newer cars. 2. The game should take place around the country and there should be a new city. (Your character would have to travel around the country to places like Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas, and your character would travel via Airplane. You can go to different cities by going to airports and buying plane tickets, or you can sneak into the airport and stowaway on the cargo hold of the planes and risk being wanted by police. 3. Your character should start out in a brand new city, and then later on in the game, your character should be able to travel to other cities. 4. When you go to different cities, radio stations will be different. Liberty City would have Flashback and Rise FM, Vice City would have V-rock and Fever101 and San Andreas would have Bounce FM and K-Rose, ext and the new city would have new radio stations (perhaps channels for Asian music, Modern Country and Heavy metal. 5. In each city, you'll meet "major character." Like in a Post-GTAIII Liberty City, you'll learn that Joey Leoni is running the embattled Leoni Family mafia and you must kick the Yakuza and the Columbian Cartels out of Liberty city once and for all and you are also sent to kill Donald Love (who finally becomes elected Mayor of Liberty City, after his failed election in 1998), you find out that he's behind the Mafia's plight despite the fact he "tried" to help Leoni family back in 1998 (in GTA: LCS) 6. In Vice City, an aged Tommy Vercetti runs his mob in Vice city and then passes away once you beat his missions and then you take control of his mob. 7.In San Andreas, CJ and Wu Zi Mu run a collaberative criminal organization that consists of the SA Triads, the Grove Street gang and the Aztecas. They were once the "good guys" back in 1992, but they have gone corrupt with power since throughout 90's and early 2000's when they enjoying their criminal stranglehold of the whole state of San Andreas. You work with CJ and Woozie for a little while while in SA, but then out of nowhere, your character would be hired by Toreno, who now runs and manages the secret services throughout the country. Toreno eventually sends you on a mission to kill CJ and Wu Zi Mu. 8. For assault rifles, there should be 3 tiers. (Tier 1= Kruger (from Vice City), Tier 2= AK-47, Tier 3= M4) 9. Rifles would have three tiers (Tier 1= Rifle (from San Andreas), Tier 2= Sniper rifle, Tier 3= Automatic Sniper rifle 10. New food places, your character should be able to eat in other places besides Cluckin Bell, Well Stacked Pizza and Burger shot. For example, you character should be able to eat at St. Mark's Bistro, Mama's Resturaunt, Tacoapolyse (in Vice City) and Punk Noodles, ext. And will, like in San Andreas, get fat if the character eats too much. 11. The police and Military should use different weapons when chasing you around. For example, the Police should be armed with pistols, nightsticks and shot guns. Soldiers should be armed with M4s, Grenades and some soldiers would have rocket launchers and soldiers should also use the tank turrets when they chase against you. Soldiers would chase you in not just tanks and transport trucks but also Hum-vees (camoflage Patriots) armed with machine guns. 12. New "gangs" for the new city like the Triple Sword Jihad (Muslim extremist group), Socialist Equality Movement (Pinko gang) and the Hands of God (Far-Right Fundamentalist Christian gang which would be lead by Father Ned and Pastor Richards), ext.
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