I know this has been said (and I probably said it in my earlier posts, but can't remember)
I would like it if the next GTA game had a branching storyline and a immersive huge adventure-like setting and it would take place after the events of GTA 3, in mid-2000's or late 2000's (2003-2010)
You would start out in the new city (perhaps Carcer city?) and as you progress in the game, you can choose to go Liberty City, Vice City or any of the San Andreas cities via the Airports.
Also, you should be able to choose which gang/mob you join up with in the middle of the gang.
You should be able to choose join:
The Leone Family Mafia: which is now ran by Joey Leone after the death of his father by hands of Claude, you must help the Leone mafia regain their grip on Liberty City and then expand elsewhere (Leone's takeover of Carcer City, San Andreas and Vice City )
San Andreas mob: (a collaberation between the Grove Street Gang and Fog Mountain Triads) since 1992, they've had control over many parts of San Andreas. You must gain their trust by doing missions for them and then help them take over LC, VC and CC)
The Vercetti mafia: Tommy Vercetti is an aged man, and he wants someone worthy of taking over his business empire (Tommy Vercetti's + Vic Vance's) business empire and mafia on Vice city before he passes away. Once he passes away in a really tragic cutscene in a mission where you have to take him to a hospital and hands over control of his empire too you, you must expand Vercetti's and Vance's legacy to places like San Andreas, Liberty City and Carcer City.
Or you can work undercover with the government and secret service, with Mike Toreno giving you orders, he will ask you to go around the country and assassinate people such as Joey Leone, Toni Cipriani, Wu Zi Mu, Carl Johnson Ceasar Vialpando and Tommy Vercetti, ext you will not get any starting businesses (you will have to get your first business by fighting while not on a mission) but Government agent missions will pay you very generously compared to Mafia missions.
Or you can be completely independent and start up your own crime family, your mob will start out weak, armed with only their fists, melee weapons and few pistols and your members will wear plain T-shirts and jeans, and they will drive cheap cars and bicycles, but once you progress in the game and make more money, you can upgrade your gang's weapons, threads and cars/motorcycles. Also, as you go around the country, you can increase your gang sides by gathering splinter gangs (gangs displaced by protagonists in earlier games.) you can gather support from people like the SA Ballas, Vagos, Da Nang boys, Rifas, VC Haitians, Cubans, Street Wannabes/Sharks, Bikers or LC Diablos, Triads, Yardies, Hoods to give support to your custom gang and help you fight "gang empires" (eg. Vercetti Gang, Leone Family, Yakuza, SA Mob) thus helping you gain control of cities, it wouldn't be wise to underestimate smaller gangs. You would gain support from gangs by doing missions for each of their leaders. If you own your own gang, you will have to start from scratch (just as you would if you were working for Toreno) with your nation-wide criminal empire.
You could start out running a localized small time group of thugs armed with nothing but pocket knives, baseball bats and cheap pistols, ext while your gang members drive old cheap cars and bicycles and wear hand-me-down clothes and rags. Then you work yourself up to running a nation-wide paramilitary/militia force armed with heat-seeking missile launchers, M4s and SPAS shotguns while your gang members drive around in Patriot Hummers and Barracks trucks while weaing military camouflage.
Plus....I don't the big deal behind speedometers....