Tec, you could pre-order GTAIV (if you haven't already) oh and happy birthday,
Nothing is going on in my life at the moment just staying at home because I done a 10K run at the weekend for charity so I am pretty tired,
Chris82 I dont understand why you think that paying $50 million is a good deal for MS, most of there XBL users will have to buy the content to even make a prophit
Wii is very good but I dont know f it will still have that 'cool' factor in 3 years time, not saying it is a bad console or anything but it could go like out of fashion sort of thing, If anything I still expect it to sell over 25 million worldwide
The Leones won't return but the Russian mafia definetly will, we briefly saw them in San Andreas but they will be modified. I expect there will be a russian mafia definetly
Well I knew there was money involved but I think $50 million is quite a bit, Chris said 5 million people would have to buy it to break even and theres only about 11 million 360 owners in the world. I think they could lose money on this
Well I sort of knew this a long time ago but can someone please answer me one question, you know the GTA after GTAIV, is it exclusive to PS3 or 360 or both?
Well I just got a new game for the PS3 - Pirattes of Carribean - at worlds end, really good game but no online play I think, I dont like the film but the game is good