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TR Jason X

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Everything posted by TR Jason X

  1. the shop is closed because my bt home hub has f***ed up so i have no internet so i have to wait for a new hub
  2. lol ^^ big smoke said that lmao
  3. just type in grand theft auto font on google and they should come up
  4. now its just E.J who has to give me my cash now
  5. it take 10 secs 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and here it is
  6. yea i can do them but it will cost you $40
  7. here you go E.J price: $20 price: $ 20 price: $20 price: $20 price : $20 Grand total: $100
  8. i'll do them later today when i can back from college i cant do them now because i have to go to bed i have to get the train to college at 9:00am
  9. do you want me to put the names on them or just grove street families
  10. Jace: good to hear it E.J: i'll try and do that avater
  11. yea i'll try and do it later today when i get out off bed
  12. i cant find any of them sorry do you want anything else
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