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Everything posted by ceedj

  1. Hey, just trying to help buddy. I've used this method and it works. If you wish to find another way of doing it, feel free. It's all good. I was simply pointing out that a topic entitled "Exporting VC Character with Max" does indeed explain how to import the model first. Good luck.
  2. I just love that thing. I dunno why. That's it. That's all you need to do to import. If you can't get past that, find a few 3DS Max tutorials first.
  3. Good grief, it's not rocket science. Unzip the scripts to your 3DS folders (listed in the read me). Fire up 3DS. Load Kam's DFF I/O script. Load the player.dff from the dialog. Edit away. What's so hard about that? And I'm not even a regular modeller. And to my knowledge, Kam's Scripts are the only ones available for importing GTA DFF's into 3DS. I "think" Hollower made a Blender script, but I'm not sure I remember how well it works. If you don't like how it's done, you are certainly free to write your own. EDIT: The reason that "next to nobody" knows how to mod the games is that a LOT of people want the info spoon fed to them, and in general, the modders tend not to do that. In the case with Kam's scripts, it's assumed that you know a bit about 3DS and how to work the MaxScript, at least to some degree.
  4. No need for cash - grab Vice Studios 3.3 from our home page (Pawfect Films - check the Mods section) - this includes a greenscreen map object. Install instructions are included. I've got blue and purple dff's as well if you need those... Have fun!
  5. Ryder's car in the game is a slight variation on the El Camino. If you're looking for a REAL one, I'd suggest checking out the Vehicles section of the Mod Showroom at GTAForums - I'm pretty sure I saw one over there at some point. EDIT: There is an unfinished El Camino in this thread here; I think if you can finish the models/convert them to fit into VC or SA the guy might send you his files.
  6. Well again, this is entirely up to the user. If recording ISB records is important to you, don't use this mod. If you're more concerned with getting good shots and not having to deal with the text in the game, then this mod is for you. Everyone wins!
  7. No, right at the top of the tut, it tells you how to get the models into 3DS Max for editing. And this might be true if you are familiar with 3DS Max, but I found nothing about doing this fast OR easy. And as long as the bone structure matches up, you should be ok. Anything drastic will require changes to the animation (ifp) files.
  8. I don't know a ton about modelling, but from the little bit of model and animation adjustments I've done for our show, I can offer a possible explaination. 1) Since it's using the Renderware engine, you'd likely need models that are compatable with it. I'm only guessing here, but I think that would involve changing a lot of rigging, to say nothing of... 2) The animations. They'd have to be added to if it's even possible; I've edited a few animations with Kam's scripts, but never made a new one, or even a clone of one. Or they could could be recreated entirely from scratch, but as you mentioned, this is probably not worth it. 3) There's also the way the animations are called in the game. Most are done through the exe (I'm thinking the tools that R* uses has a direct way of applying the mission opcodes directly in the exe for the basics of the game), and some are done with the mission script. You'd need to be able add a new opcode for what you want your actor-animal to do in any given situation. This is possible; the Sanny Builder team has created a patch for SA that allows direct memory access via the mission script, but creating your own functions might require a sizeable knowledge of hacking the exe. I think the best route would be to use the exsiting models and modify them to suit your purpose. But remember, you might have to adjust the animation files as well. Not trying to discourage you from trying this or other methods, but I felt chatty and wanted to pass along some of what I learned. For more info about modelling in the game, check out the tutorials section of GTA Forums
  9. This problem is now solved if anyone else comes across this topic. I've made a hook that disables those two text instances (and a few more) WITHOUT modifying any files at all that can be found HERE.
  10. Ok, maybe I didn't make it clear enough what this does. This mod removes TEXT that is automatically drawn on the screen when you do an insane stunt, wheelie, stoppie, unique stunt, etc. The biggest advantage to this mod is that you do NOT have to modify any files at all. So that means no need to find a GXT editor and blank out the lines. My GTA Studios mods are n00b friendly, so people can concentrate on getting good camera shots and don't have to worry about modding the game. As for the replays, it was an easy option to blank the replay text, and since I've seen a few questions and tutorials on how to remove it manually, I thought it would be handy to have it in here. Again, it's all about ease of use and not having to mod the game to get it to do what you want. Of course you CAN mod it if you feel the need; I'm just trying to make it easier. Feel free to use it or don't. It's been useful to me already since I can add some of this text blanking to my GTA Studios suite. Thanks for checking it out. EDIT: Here is a link to the topic that got me working on this. The SA Text Blanker solves both of those issues (the area text and the stunt completion text): SA Modding Topic
  11. Anyone want to try this out? It basically blanks certain text files at run-time. Useful for stunters, and does not modify ANY of your game files. You MUST have a v1.0 game OR a depatched 1.01/2.00 game. NOTE: This is built on the same platform as SA Studios. Some of this may get added to a future release. SA Text Blanker 1.0 I forgot to add in the README, but this also blanks the radio station text when you enter a vehicle. It also removes all stunt bonus texts (wheelie, stoppie, insane stunts, unique stunts) and their (if any) cash rewards. If you do a successful unique jump, you will get confirmation via the sound that normally plays when the jump is completed.
  12. Damn, I'd buy that. Killer Koalas! The Bunny Club! HAH!
  13. This is a known problem with MB 1.5. Try to find the 1.3 version; this one works well IMO. If you can't find it, I'll see if I can dig it up from the laptop and host it somewhere. And Barton "retired" a LONG time ago.
  14. I'm WAY over 18. Sad, init? Anyway, there is already a GTA game for kids. It's called "The Simpsons: Hit and Run".
  15. I really like driving around San Fiero - reminds me a bit of Liberty City. I think my favorite would have to be all the Countryside areas though. The storms get pretty intense, which adds to the gameplay.
  16. Thanks Chris, much obliged. Actually, we've been around since June of 2005, so it's been a long ride so far. AND we were lucky enough to have JAS4: Hot Coffee as a featured selection in the 2006 DC Independant Film Festival. So yah, things are good. We're about halfway through season 2 now; episode 19 will premiere on Jan 26th or 27th. Thanks Jase, glad you liked it. If you're interested in checking out the series, the "story" really starts up around episode 5, though there are some pretty good jokes in the first 4 as well. Thanks for letting me post this here guys.
  17. Hi gang! I wasn't sure if this was the appropriate place to put this, so if there are any problems with it here, please feel free to move it. First, an introduction: I'm CJ Ambrosia, creator and executive dood of the webseries PEDS. Our show is a serial comedy/drama based on the GTA series of games by R*, using all three 3D engines (GTA III, using the GTA:LC mod, Vice City and San Andreas). It is a machinima series, which blends 3D game technology with a new story, voice acting and more. Season 1 was set in Vice City (episodes 1-13) and Season 2 is in Liberty (episodes 14 to the current release, 18). We also have a number of "shorts" that don't really fit into our main storyline. In any event, we're trying to get the word out to more GTA sites in hopes that we can reach a wider audience. So that's why this is here. We've also recently released our 30th video this holiday season, which you can find at the links below: Just A Short 6: Seasons Beatings (Low Res WMV) JAS 6: Hi Res DIVX As always, you can find all of videos at the Pawfect Films website. Thanks for your time, and we hope you enjoy our show!
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