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TOXIC last won the day on February 3 2012

TOXIC had the most liked content!



  • Birthday 09/23/1990

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas
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    India <3
  • Interests
    Graphics, sketching, gaming, music.

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  1. H E L L O Hey everyone.. 'sup? As for me, I'm on the verge of completing my post grad(Masters in Computer Applications) Missed y'all..missed this place too.. (Newer Members - Hi I'm Tarun from India, go by the name TOXIC as you can see; I am a member since 2007 and lately been inactive, very. Much love baby.)
  2. MK47

    Miss you :D

  3. Been away... Hadn't touched Ps since a long time,so...Halo guys, Halo. Comments please.
  4. Bitch its a Dollar here :D

  5. Well thats a tough question to ask after somebody said like that to you, but, why do you love me this time?

  6. OK so we can have pinned up topics like for example; Resources Vol 1: Brushes Resources Vol 2: Tutorials Resources Vol 3: .....etc Correct?
  7. What I said was not Sarcasm, in fact it was the shorter version of your post Yeah the same thing, A topic with resources, shitload of tutorials, etc.
  8. The Epic PS help thread has many links in it, we can add on there itself right? Or even better, we have a GFX devoted "TGTAP's Fat Ass Graphics Resources Topic"...
  9. Is the graphic section declared dead or what? Side Question - My posts are visible right?
  10. Lol Husky no replies no PMs? Btw people, comments on this one?
  11. http://z9.invisionfree.com/GTAS_Temp_Forums/index.php?showtopic=1834 Serves all your needs.
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