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How can I configure the controller to work like on consoles?

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I installed the "Advance controls" but I can't figure out some things...

such as how to make the right analog stick the camera control...

I got the camera control working on foot but not inside a vehicle

also how can i make myself jump on a bike? i dont see an option for that

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Get brains first.

Configuring is easy. I'm asuming that you use logitech. Then you'll need the logitech controll panel. Then make the start button work as escape. Everything else can be done within San Andreas. Do unplug all other controller and chose Gamepad.

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It depends on the type/brand of controller you bought, and what kind of software comes with it. Some controllers have software that tells the controller to emulate keyboard keys or mouse clicks. But some rely on the windows software (a big load of hairy shite).

Your best bet is to use the San Andreas Advanced Control Program, this configures the conroller for use in San Andreas only though, but grants you lock-on.

It might be on this site, if not goole it. Or 'SAAC' for short. Hope i helped man, anymore questions? just ask.

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Who Quadropled?? If it was me, it was cuzza browser isisues, that happened to me here once.

I will look for Logitech and see, but I like the Macatz one since it looks like the PS2, plus I am not sure where to get Logitech, I know EB Games has the Madcatz..

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I thinmk it was so it return to the first subforum post, so people would read it. Patience is a virtue, my freind. I woulda said something before, but i got distracted by the actualquestion. Cheers VV

Edit: Quadruple post, forum record?

[offtopic] I've got 5 posts in a row before! [/offtopic]

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