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The Regalados Familia

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I didnt know where to post this at, if this is the wrong spot MODs please move to the right one.


We grew up as young boys running the streets just trying to make some easy cash.

We just wanted to have a better place to live.

Now we're grown men and we now look at life as a choice of give or take.

I plan on taking and thats what to await for us in Liberty City the place they say Dreams come true.


Back in 1976 in the City of Medellin of Colombia there was a man (most of you who are probably familiar with his name) named Pablo Escobar. Him and a man by the name of Luis Emilio Regalado ran around the streets finding any way to earn some cash. They were a two badasses and many people in the neighborhood knew who they were. They called themselves "The Black Spades". One night a drug trade needed to go down, a night they will never forget. A man named Fabio Restrepo was killed. It was said that Pablo alone killed this man and took all the loot(money and drugs). But no one never heard of the man who accompany him. The man who was also shot by Pablo and left for dead. Wow you tend to realize who can really be trusted now adays. Pablo got greedy and wanted everything to himself and did what he felt was necessary but I bet he didn’t think Luis was still alive. But Luis on the other hand wasn’t as reckless as the notorious drug dealer Pablo. He alone did things alittle differently and still earn himself some hard cash. Had a small group of guys who got into a lot of trouble but did things and left things underground. Had things alittle more legit. He began to work his way up and took care of his own(his people). He started to earn a lot of respect from his people but when theres someone who has the fame and hype that everyone else wants you gain enemies. On October 14, 1992 he was shot down in an alley way 4 times, two in the torso, one in his right leg and one to the head. Out in Colombia these type of things happen all the time but I would never think this would happen to my father. It was time I had to handle things alittle differently then my father did that night with Pablo. I was out for revenge and I made sure those who killed my father would pay. I killed those two pendjos at the age of 23 and I made sure they were finish. So happens they were some big time drug dealers out in Colombia. I now live in a small home in the city my father once helped Medellin and took after some of what he left behind. But this isn’t enough, I needed to find a better way of life. I now run in the same streets my father once ran but this time its me and my primo Antonio. Whoelse is better to have by your side as your righthand man than your cousin aye? We started our own little group "The Regalados Family" and started running certains parts of Medellin. But its starting to get old and we needed a better game plan. Me and my primo and the rest of the family decided why not find a better life in Liberty City. A place were dreams come true. But the only things is were not trying to live an average life…We’re trying to take over, and we will take out any pricks that stand in our way. Our goal is to expand whats already been started.But it cant be done alone and that’s what brings me here. Join us On april 29, things for liberty city will be different.


Inca (aka) The Leader

The Inca is the highest-ranking officer. The Inca is elected by majority votes of the familia’s members. His term in office is indefinite. However, he must run in an election for a "vote of confidence" every two years in order to retain his position as commander-in-chief.

The Inca is responsible for the actions of his beloved familia, its security, and its treasury. He is responsible for any outcomes good or bad. Everyone reports to the Inca (First) or his Cacique (Second). It is between the Inca and his Cacique to decide the future plans or goals of the familia. Any action taken by the Inca shall be enforced through the Cacique.

Cacique (aka) The Underboss

The Cacique shall be second in command of his famlia. He, like the Inca, is elected by majority vote of the members of his familia and his term in office is indefinite.

The Cacique is to work hand in hand with the Inca and assume the responsibilities of the Inca in case of the Incas absence.

The Cacique is responsible for keeping the Inca informed on all actions taken by the officers of his familia.

Any action taken by the Cacique shall be enforced through the Enforzador.

Enforzador (aka) Enforcer

The Enforcer will be in charge of and responsible for the security of every member of his Familia. He shall be appointed by the Inca and Cacique and report to them directly. 3 The Enforcer shall see that the laws are enforced and the orders of the Inca and Cacique are obeyed.

Secretario (aka) Advisor

The Secretario will be appointed by the Inca and Cacique. His duties shall consist of the following:

1.Collection and distribution of Family literature.

2. Keeping records of all business conducted by the Familia Council. Although the Secretario sits in on all matters of business conducted by the Familia Council, he may not interfere with the proceedings and must abide by the rules of the Council.

He is shall make impartial decisions which are best for everybody in the familia.

Investigador (aka) Investigator

The Familia investigador shall be appointed by the Inca and Cacique. He shall conduct an investigation of all new members. All prospective new members shall be placed on hold until the investigation is completed.The investigador shall also conduct all investigations requested by the Inca, Cacique, Family Council, Enforzador, and Secretario. A report of all investigations, no matter what officer makes the request, must be filed at the completion with the Inca and Cacique.

Family Council

The Council are a group of chosen loyal and responsible members of the family. They are those who come up with the final agreement of events. They also make the final decision of when one shall be exiled from the family and what his or her punishment shall be (by a vote). They make these decision based on the evidence that was found by the Investigador. Council members are not allowed to discuss any issues or business before it with any members outside the Council until the procedures are completed. They are to attend in all private meetings. (3 slots for this position)


Generals are chosen within a period of time by the Inca. Generals are in charge of a small group of 4 skilled Carnales of there own choice (Must be investigated & interviewed first). The Inca is in charge of the Generals. (3 Slots for this position)


Captains are also chosen within a period of time by the Cacique. Captains are in charge of a small group of 2 skilled Carnales of there own choice (Must be investigated & interviewed first). The Cacique is in charge of the Generals. (2 Slots for this position)


Lieutenants of the familia are men that are chosen specifically by Inca or Cacique. They are to obey all rules and regulations without disregards.. They also do special jobs for the familia because they are loyal and respected. For a carnales to become a lieutenants, they need to show there loyalty to the Inca, Cacique and their familia.


When you join the familia you become a carnales. Are to be obey and follow the rules and regulations. You are to respect any of those higher to you in rank. You in time will prove to your familia that you are worthy to become a lieutenant. But at the mean time you must follow the task given. You must learn the real reason in becoming apart of this familia.


Love: is what we carry in our hearts for our brothers and our familia.

Honor: Our honor is our identity, and our identity is our proud name. What we accomplish in our lives through our actions is not only for our individual success, but also for our familia. A brother of this familia hold high regards toward his honor.

Duty: Duty is the legal or moral obligation to accomplish all assigned or implied tasks to the fullest of your ability. To destroy anything or anyone who stands in our way.

Obedience: One must serve his Inca and rules with obedience therefore all must obey loyalty to the familia.

Respect: Respect is treating others with consideration and honor. It is the ability to accept and value other individuals.

Sacrifice: All you can give for the cause mentally and physically without disregard.

Righteousness: A brothers truth is mark by his work. Righteousness is the upright way of life.

We use our 5 senses being that it is what we use constantly and which makes us complete

Seeing: To identify your brother and see the love and respect that in our family

Hearing: to hear your brother’s cry for help and listen to the messages from those who are wise.

Tasting: To taste victory over opposing forces that come against the family

Touching: To touch your brother with love and joy

Smelling: to immediately detect any danger that tries to threaten our family.


1.Every member of the Regalados Family shall honor, respect, and protect with any means the lives and reputation of all members.

2. All must obey the Inca and Cacique.

3. All must show your love and respect to your beloved brothers.

4. Never exploit or bring harm to any brother of this family.

5. All must be wise at all times and think before taking any action into there own hands.

6. All must live up to the 7 principles. All must use their 5 senses, For it shall lead you to success in this family.

7. Don’t start a war or any (major)conflicts with anyone unless given order to by your superiors

8. Educate yourself and train yourself well for battle, for an illerate brother is a weak brother, and a weak brother has no place in a strong family.

9. Always stay active and report to your Inca or Cacique for information

10.Obey each and every rule.


I _your name__ will be loyal to Regalados Family and will do what is necessary to accomplish my duties of the familia. I will respect all members of my familia and treat them as my brothers. I place my fist upon my chest which means “I die for you” for you are flesh of my flesh blood of my blood son of my mother who is the universal nature. This means Love strength and sacrifice.

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State the Family Salute. On bottom

Our Teaser Movies is on bottom,Coming soon the Trailer itself

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

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