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Max money without cheats!

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To get 9999999999 (may need mre 9s but anyway is the max amount of cash to get) from any point of the game where you can attempt the cone crazy mission. Do the mission the first time to the point where you are about one or two seconds away from running out of time. Collect the last check point before you fail to get 100 bucks. Now repeat the mission getting one or two seconds above last time (if last try you completed on 5 seconds, complete it again on 6 seconds). This will double the earnings. Repeat, repeat, repeat, and repeat until it actually becomes a good challenge to beat your time. Soon the money will be pileing on so much that it might take about 10 miniutes for the game to finish adding it to your account. Soon after you do this so many times your cash will be at 9999999999, more than enough money to buy every property, gun, and nearly unlimited ammo and can be done from the start. Yes I konw this is probably very late but still for some newbs, n00bs, or some replayers.

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  • 1 year later...
I think it also works on on the dirt track with the Sanchez and with the Land Stalker.

i think i already tried that and it did'nt work!!! :mellow:

I think it also works on on the dirt track with the Sanchez and with the Land Stalker.

i think i already tried that and it did'nt work!!! :mellow:

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