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Custom Lines


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ok im back after a long break from modding, and im looking for a "guide" or a list that shows what each number(s) mean in the code for handling lines.. im not interested in drift codes cause i already have them, my aim is to mod engine sound by ultering the code without using some lame sound mod package.. yes, ive seen the "project cerbera" but that doesnt explain what im looking for, outside of sami i alter all handling lines manually.. heres an example of what im trying to figure out:

handling line: 1600.0 4166.4 2.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 70 0.57 0.98 0.54 5 340.0 70.0 2.0 R P 8.17 0.52 1 52.0 1.2 0.15 0.0 0.30 -0.10 0.45 0.25 0.3 0.52 19000 40000000 4 0 0 0

same handling line: 1600.0 4166.4 2.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 70 0.57 0.98 0.54 5 (340.0 70.0 2.0 R P = i know this particular part of the code ulters top speed, acceleration, wheel drive, and engine type) 8.17 0.52 1 52.0 1.2 0.15 0.0 0.30 -0.10 0.45 0.25 0.3 0.52 19000 (40000000 4 0 0 0 = i know this part of the code ulters nitro, hydralics, wheel width and hight)

what i need to know is what part of the code mods engine sound (i think its called engine critieria) and i need to know what numbers to place there to use the sound of the BUFFALO and the BLADE from san andreas..

please post all you know about handling lines, i think this could benifit everyone in the long run and possibly be a future pinned topic.. thank you

Edited by neoswagga
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; (A) vehicle identifier [14 characters max]

; (B) fMass [1.0 to 50000.0]

; © fTurnMass //was////Dimensions.x [0.0 > x > 20.0]

; (D) fDragMult //was////Dimensions.y [0.0 > x > 20.0]

; (E) (not used) //was////Dimensions.z, [0.0 > x > 20.0]

; (F) CentreOfMass.x [-10.0 > x > 10.0]

; (G) CentreOfMass.y [-10.0 > x > 10.0]

; (H) CentreOfMass.z [-10.0 > x > 10.0]

; (I) nPercentSubmerged [10 to 120]

; (J) fTractionMultiplier [0.5 to 2.0]

; (K) fTractionLoss [0.0 > x > 1.0]

; (L) fTractionBias [0.0 > x > 1.0]

; (M) TransmissionData.nNumberOfGears [1 to 4]

; (N) TransmissionData.fMaxVelocity [5.0 to 150.0]

; (O) TransmissionData.fEngineAcceleration [0.1 to 10.0]

; (P) TransmissionData.fEngineInertia [0.0 to 50.0]

; (Q) TransmissionData.nDriveType [F/R/4]

; ® TransmissionData.nEngineType [P/D/E]

; (S) fBrakeDeceleration [0.1 to 10.0]

; (T) fBrakeBias [0.0 > x > 1.0]

; (U) bABS [0/1]

; (V) fSteeringLock [10.0 to 40.0]


; (a) fSuspensionForceLevel not [L/M/H]

; (B) fSuspensionDampingLevel not [L/M/H]

; © fSuspensionHighSpdComDamp often zero - 200.0 or more for bouncy vehicles

; (d) suspension upper limit

; (e) suspension lower limit

; (f) suspension bias between front and rear

; (g) suspension anti-dive multiplier


; (aa) fSeatOffsetDistance // ped seat position offset towards centre of car

; (ab) fCollisionDamageMultiplier [0.2 to 5.0]

; (ac) nMonetaryValue [1 to 100000]


; (af) modelFlags!!! WARNING - Now written HEX for easier reading of flags

from inside the handling.cfg file.


the smileys are (B) and (B) respectively.

Edited by WRX22B1998
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