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Penn Relayz 2009


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OK, so I'm back from the 2009 Penn Relayz at iLLadelphia, Penn$ylvania. It was surely a hectic day for me (during the event). Now, event-wise it was cool. Almost 85% of the crowd were rooting for all of Jamaica's track teams (J.A. ALL DAY! - I'm part Jamaican myself, on my pops' side) We sometimes cheered for the U.S. of A along with J.A. in like the last few 4X400 races. The food was good, but the weather was pretty hot (85° F). Now comes the first hectic part:

My family and I brought my little cousin (13 yrs old) to the event. While we were looking for new seats across the Franklin Field, we had to go all the way up the stadium and cross the balcony-ish side. While we were heading back to the interior of the field, BONG! My cousin went missing. :mellow:...... :unsure:

1/2 of the family were worried for his safety (myself included). The other half of the family went searching for nearly 20 minutes. Thankfully, my cuz was smart by asking for someone's cell phone to call us (he forgot his Sidekick). We found him safe and sound. I was so happy, 'cause if anything happened to him, I don't know what I'll do because he's one of my only cousins that I keep in touch with a lot.

So we all got back together and found better seats. We stayed watching the Relayz until like 6:45. We head back to the parking lot to get our cars. Now comes the second hectic part:

Me, my mom, my cousin, my uncle, and my uncle's friend got into an elevator with 8 other people. The elevator got stuck when it was trying to go to the 2nd floor of the University's parking lot, then the elevator was on the ground floor. Some of the peeps there were panicking like hell. It was very humid, and people needed some fresh air. We were all trapped for nearly 15 minutes sweating our asses off. We did manage to get help from the University security. One of the security guards smashed the glass open with a brick (opposite the elevator). Then we got some fresh air. Minutes later, the rest of the Campus security pried the elevator doors open. We were free and we could finally go home. (Praise the Lord)

Now I'm back in my house in good ol' NYC. Man, what a day. -_-

Any thoughts?

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Heh, the show part sounds pretty cool. What kind of times were they running? Like on the 400 and stuff. And that does sound pretty crazy, haha. I wonder if the guard will have to pay for that window he smashed... :P

Some of the relay races were raced 400 meters around the whole track for 4 laps. Few of them were raced 800 meters (400 meters raced twice) for 4 laps. They all took place during the afternoon and before evening. Some were placed as High School races and College races (national and international). Also, I've heard talks that the Philly Police may arrest that guard who saved our lives for smashing University property, but I heavily doubt that'll happen.

In addition, I thought the women did a better job racing than the men (especially in the USA vs The World, hell I may as well call it "USA vs. Jamaica" cuz the world can't stand a chance against these two nations) when it comes to track and field. :P.

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