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Video memory issues


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I have a problem with the game crashing with a "run out of video memory" error. It runs fine for a while, but then starts stuttering before freezing altogether.


3ghz dual core

2gb ram

xfx nvidia 8800gt 1gb

4gb pagefile on defragged sata drive.

I don't get it. I can play much more demanding games - is it a need for speed thing? I have most of the need for speed games, not usually a problem. (apart from Carbon and Underground 2 which seem to crash when in the menus).

I currently am running the game at 1280x1024 using medium textures, but that only seems to extend the time before the inevitable crash. Changing resolution doesn't make any difference.

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Have you tried patching it? Mine works well, albeit laggy since I have a crappy rig.

Yeah, tried patches without success. Also been in contact with Rockstar Games but although they've been very helpful, no cure has been found. I think I'll get more ram and try running it on vista (currently using xp/vista dual boot).

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