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Nude Stripper Help

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Hey guys, I have a question. I want to make the stripper in vice city pole position club entirely naked with a mod, but it doesn't work out as it should..

this is the link to the mod: http://www.thegtaplace.com/downloads/f800-nude-stripper

downloading works, but then it says in the readme file that I need to ''replace two files from the mod'' with another file.. could anyone explain to me more cleary what I need to do..? I'm no english guy so I don't understand the ''replace'' word..

I hope anyone can help me out..

Disposable Teen 01

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What this means is you have to swap over some of the game's files so the mod will work.

You'll need a tool that can open the file that has all the game's textures in it, gta3.img. I recommend you download TXD Workshop, which you can find in the Tools section of the Downloads area.

Then you'll need to open gta3.img in your VC directory and find the files that need swapping over. Right click the .txd file and click 'replace', then find the folder that the mod you downloaded is in and select that. Repeat for the .dff file if it's necessary.

This is the most simple way that came through my head. :P

I apologize if this doesn't help.

Edited by Greensabre13.
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Hey, thanks for the response! I downloaded the program, but I did something wrong, and now the stripper is entirely white.. I can't replace the stripper's txd anymore, because the file I need to replace it with isn't recocnized when I use the ''browse'' setting.. I tried all morning to repair it, but I didn't succeed.. have you got any suggestions?

  On 2/14/2010 at 1:04 PM, Greensabre13. said:

What this means is you have to swap over some of the game's files so the mod will work.

You'll need a tool that can open the file that has all the game's textures in it, gta3.img. I recommend you download TXD Workshop, which you can find in the Tools section of the Downloads area.

Then you'll need to open gta3.img in your VC directory and find the files that need swapping over. Right click the .txd file and click 'replace', then find the folder that the mod you downloaded is in and select that. Repeat for the .dff file if it's necessary.

This is the most simple way that came through my head. :P

I apologize if this doesn't help.

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