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Serious GXT editor issues


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Product: Latest Version of the GXT editor

Problem: All it does is delete text and does not allow you to edit or add in custom text like it says it allows you to


Whoever created this GXT editor oughta have their head examined or has no clue about how to compile a program because The gxt editor is horrible.

I don't mean to be bashing on people's hard work its just that its really annoying when you get a tool thinking it's going to work and then you run into what I have posted below and until someone wants to explain how to solve the probelms below then there is no person on the face of this planet who will tell me they used this editor to change and or add custom text to this game..Its simply not possible to do with this editor in its current state


I spent well over 20 min trying to change Infernus to get it to say Mclaren when I got in it. All this editor did was erase the name so when I an Infernus nothing came up on the screen - I couldn't for the life of me figure out WTF was going on until I realized the 2 major problems below

Now on to the problems

Problem 1 (It's backwards)

Whoever did this set it up so that the values are in the names column and the names are in the value column. So you cannot search for anything by name in the find name section you have to find it by entering the name in the find value section--- WTF

Problem 2 (Editing)

There are 2 sections left Name which displays the value and right which says value but displays the name of the item now in order to actually change the name of something you have to EDIT the Name of the item itself anf not the value of the item

In laymans terms: EXAMPLE the value for an infernus is well just say 0094ED54 (for sake of conversation)

Now it does not matter what word you place into that value table the game is looking for the value so it can read then name placed in it

So if you alter or change the value of what the game is reading then the game cannnot find a value its not programed to so you would have to change the word itself not the value

The problem with this editor is that it's set up so that you cannot change the word itself only the numbers and letters

So if I try to change infernus to lets say Mclaren, Since i cannot use the find Name i have to use find value - So i type infernus into find value and then I get this: 0094ED54 and it says infernus next to it

The editor only allows this to be altered: 0094ED54 not the word infernus

In order to change infernus to Mclaren you have to edit the word infernus itself not the value: 0094ED54

This editor is only allowing 0094ED54 to get changed and all that does is delete text in the game --

So Unless someone wants to explain how to change the word itself or an actual proper version is posted soemwhere then no one will convince me that this editor works and can change and or add custom text to the game --Delting text yes but adding and changing text no way in hell

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nah I know exactlly what this tool is supposed to do and have dowloaded this tool from a few different sites and its all made by the same person

You are suppsed to be able to add in you're own text lines into the game as well as alter or add in stuff to ones that are currently in there..

The idiot who created this tool fails to put in there a read me on how to go about changing stuff to get it to show up in the game

You will find with almost every single person who creates a program that open certain files in things, will explain all this tech stuff, where to get it and everything else but fail to give you the crucial information thats needed to operate it to get it to do what they say its designed to do. And then when you try to ask for help you are met with all types of comments such as what are you dumb or things like, well why are downloading something without knowing how to use it, and my all time favorite comment of them all is "Well Figure it out" (Even though there is no starting point to even begin to figure it out) and they know this but then complain when you ask for help not realizing that they are the ones who caused the problem in the 1st place by not supplying instructions - And to top it all off even after you tell them nicely or whatever that there are no instructions the ignore you till u get further mad and finally wind up slandering both them and their product, then they use the excuse that you are being rude about it so they will not help you out, and to make matters even worse they say they don't owe you an explination to anything because they donate this in their own time and also try to report you for spamming and other nonsense and because they are in good with the moderator (Just because they uploaded a dead end tool) they tell the mod then you get suspended and or banned

They think that just cuz they know then so should everyone else

People like this are ass hats

Right now if they were selling this or I could find some way I would sue them for false advertising. Saying a product does something it doesn't

(Whether free or not) is false advertising And false advertising is illegal

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