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This needs to be addressed


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What I'm about to lay out is simple to answer and neccessary:

1) There are no instructions ANYWHERE AT ALL (on the Zmodeler site, in the readme that comes with the z-modeler download, or anyplace else for that matter) That explain what base options in Zmodeler to use in oder to be able to alter and or create you're own mods. Turns out that the only people who can answer this, are the people who have already constructed mods with ZModeler or the people who got lucky. But other than that, without this crucial missing information then this is hopeless for the people who don't know that want to be able to start creating and or altering their own mods.

These unknown/missing steps MUST BE EXPLAINED BY SOMEONE WHO ALREADY KNOWS HOW AND ALREADY USES THESE OPTIONS because without them, then you will be guessing for at least 6 months on what to do and how to do it.

2) I have always had issues with people who post up tools and then not tell them how to use it. You may as well not post up the tool. Having the tool you can't use because of lack of instructions is the same exact thing as not having it. It can't be used either way

And I think its completly bogus for people to try to use a lame cop out excuse by saying things lik e"Well we do this in our spare time" or crap like that.....

So what all this is doing is creating more problems and or questions on a forum and making the people who really want to use ths more and more aggrivated....All this does is make things harder and creates more work for everyone when it all could have been avoided by simply posting a simple how to manual

Lets face it, 98% of the questions that revolve around modding with the ZModeler are all how to questions

Obviously you can't tell someone how to mod..Thats absurd...but you can tell them what the options do and what base ones get used by everyone as well as how to actually import something, what options get used to do this and what options get used once its in there and then how to save it as whatever it needs to be saved as..ther are so many little things that wuold solve so many of the forums problems its not even funny

You can't even begin to learn how to start changing the way things look in something like Zmodeler unless someone explains what options get used in order to be able to start being able understanding it.

I mean seriously look at this topic and see how simple and easy to follow it is.

Instructions like this can and need to be made for a program like Zmodeler

Well I think i have made my point

Edited by tx3000
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I understand your problems, however, there isn't a large modeling community here, your best bet would be to check out gtamodding.com and the modding forum at gtaforums. While we have an immense download database, the modelers are from all over different websites.

Look how many topics you've made regarding this subject. Look at how you've not got the answers you've wanted. That should be a message to you that none of us are modelers and we don't know how to answer your questions.

Unless you want to get banned from these forums then I suggest you stop making topics about this and go to some other sites and ask for help. Perhaps when you get the help you need you can come back here and make a useful post for other people in your situation.

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Unless you want to get banned from these forums

Here we go with the "Unless you want to get banned" Comments

Chris read my signature:

There is a reason why my signature says what it does its because of moderators such as yourself that start singling me out for what others do..

No offense but after you read what I have posted below then can you tell me exactly waht it is that i did differently that others have not done?

1) Everything I have posted is well within guidelines of TOS

All my topics like this are not of the same product I have made various topics regarding different items

2) Just because no one answered me or you don't know doesn't mean that someoen here doesn't know the answer to what I want

3) You mods are the ones complaining that the forum gets flooded with how to questions well all I did was offer a solution

4) If you are trying to tell me that Im going to get banned then I should also see you say something that creates another how do I mod question. Because If you are saying soemthing about me doing it then everyone else from this point on will be doing the exact same thing that you are speaking to me about.

Me posting this is the same thig as someone not reading the gudelines you people have pinned to read before posting.....

5) For the record, this is the 1st time anyone has mentioned anything to me regarding this specific issue and I should go try elsewhere for INSTRUCTIONS and that I probably will not get an answer here..That being said then fine not a problem.. I will seek answers elsewhere and check my topics for answers

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I have only created 3 topics regarding this

1 for each specific problem, all the rest have been replies to people's questions

And regarding this

Well we can't! :angry: Just make a universal topic yourself to prevent all those others. I to am starting to get pissed of with you being upset about everything got to do with modding.


Simple solution to you're problem....STOP COMING INTO MY TOPICS

Besides why are you getting pissed because I am stating the truth

and anyways I did create one topic but then it gets filled with useless info take you're reply in this for a prime example

Why are you taking up topic space with useless info about you're complaining when it can be used with someone else who actully can answer my questions and if you noticed I have not responded to this until you made a comment. My questions are legit and real and if you noticed I have not created any new ones these have been left alone for people to post answers in

Edited by tx3000
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