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Help, Gameplay issue


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im new to this forum and if u guys can help me i would be dam thankful.

heres my prob,

u see my pc is an old 1 slow and san andreas lags preety much. so what i want 2 ask u guys is, do u guys know a patch or any other way i could make the game run a bit faster, perhaps a graphics hack. pls i need help

thanks in advance

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now its even worse,

i cannot even load the game. is there another version of SA available? i mean a low graphix 1. my card is 32mb and 128mb ram 1.8ghz. the game wont load and just crashes to desktop.

will i be able to play the ps version on my pc? ( u know by emulating) cuz i think that way it might work, thanx in advance

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Here, you should try this:

Raising the amount of Page Files used for your drives. To do this, you must free at least 4 GB of space.

Then go to a My Computer icon (not shortcut) and rig-click it, choose the Advanced tab, and then click the Settings button under the "Performance Section" after that, click the Advanced tab in the new pop-up window, and choose the Change button in the bottom.

After that, choose the drive where you install the game (for example, C:\), and tick the "Custom Size" choice, and then type 2000 on the 'Initial Size' type box, and 4000 on the "Maximum Size" one. Or anyother variable you want, but Windows automatically sets 766MB for me, try that.

Oh, and please post us what your VGA is... Maybe Slayer can give you some suggestions on upgrading...

Edited by Shifty
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