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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. well i didnt really care about money!!

    until i have enuf money to enjoy the game i was happy!!!

    And ya i kinda liked the idea about bying anythng u want!!

    btw in SA i think there was some rumour about being able to construt ur own casino after completing the game!!!.....tht wud be a pretty good way to spend ur money!!

  2. JayD and ram !! those two.....i was not talkin about the gang!!

    Btw i donno if this is the right place but hey ram i coudnt find any sigs in ur recruitment topic so prepared one for ya!!

    chk it out


    heres the code


    hope it'll be of some use

  3. Donno about the copz!!!(mostly they are waiting to kick ur butt)...butt yaa i was thinking about the abulance !!!

    Also maybe if ur to bored to go out for lunch maybe u can order food at home too!!!

    And yaa!! this type of cellphone does fit in wid the idea of a laptop!!(uploading photos of rival gangs!!,or security systems and stuff to ur gang members!!) :coolthumbup:

  4. I think u shud go for the Xbox 360 elite which is has a 120gb hdd

    Also it is comin in stores by end of april!!

    But if u wanna go in for a PS3 then thts pretty good too!!

  5. So as we all now we (Bellic) will have an usable cellphone on GTA IV. This is the decription the GI article has for it:

    "Bellic then pulls out his cellphone which has options for Phonebook, Messages, Organizer and Camera on it's LCD screen. He selects Phonebook, and he is then presented with another set of options: City Contact, Docks Friend, and Cab Contact. After a brief conversation he informs the reciever to meet him at the docks."

    Now here's a rundown on the features (the ones we know and some for speculation):


    This is obviously where we will have our contacts and maybe some civil services.(Police, Ambulance, Etc.)

    As the article implies it says that under phonebook there are these options:

    -City Contact

    Self-explanatory(Sp?), some friend or employer you have in the city.

    -Docks Contact

    Again, some friend or employer you have on the docks.

    -Cab Contact

    This one maybe Roman, because the article says he has a taxi depot or maybe an option to call a taxi for a ride.

    These are the other options:


    It's obvious this is where we will get some messages like:

    "Great job, head over to my office for your payment."


    "There is this new guy who hasn't been paying his debts, pay him a little visit."

    and finally there's the last option:


    Maybe here is where we will have objectives for the mission we are doing, or maybe it reminds you of people that you have already called that want to give you missions.

    Update #1: I forgot this option:


    Guess, its a camera and we will be able to take pictures (no sh*t), maybe zoom on them, maybe even edit the picture like putting it on negative and putting it on black and white, another feature could be videos, nothing much like one or two minutes of video and you can save it and send it to your friends online.

    wat do u guyz have to say about this


    this post was mad on gtaforums by xNewtype Acex.I take no credit for it

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