Being a female is not as great as some may think.
Guys have no idea what women go through when it comes to the ever annoying period. It fucking HURTS. First off, you get a "two week warning" that consists of annoying, painful cramps. Then, when your due date arrives, you bleed half to death while still getting cramps, headaches, backaches, stomach aches, mood swings, some people even puke......You retain water so you're all bloated. Your clothes are tighter, your face is fatter, your stomach hangs out. You get that from 3-7 days, every single month, until you hit menopause. Once you hit menopause, you get cold sweats, hot flashes, dizzy, etc. etc. etc.
Just think about that. Most females hit puberty by the age of 10 (now it may be younger. Mine hit at the age of 10 and that was 15 years ago) and you go for about 50-60 something years and then you get menopause until you die. Not only that but you have to go through the pain of childbirth and the uncomfortable pap smear, where some stranger gets to poke your vag with tools and fingers, not to mention the ol' mammogram, where your boobs get squished in a machine.
Seriously, I'm not all about "girl power" and shit but guys need to respect the garbage we go through. It's not easy being a female and it's rather painful.