Not to be an ass but yeah, it is your fault.
I have anxiety disorder. I couldn't even walk outside of my house without getting one and I had to quit my job at the time (I was 16). I spent my entire summer vacation in my house and my dad would buy me DVDs to watch so I had something to do.
Eventually, it pissed me off and I didn't want to live that way so I did something about it. I faced my fears and I am here 8 years later, still have anxiety disorder, but never get an attack. I can even go to the mall now. I wasn't able to before. It was the WORST place I could go.
If you don't like something, it's up to you to change it. I know what anxiety feels like and it sucks.....a lot. You just have to try really hard to get over it. Now, I have a husband, a fantastic job and great friends. I go wherever I want to go and not worry about getting a panic attack and having to go to the hospital.
It will take time but good luck.