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Everything posted by Damjan

  1. Yep, on some warez sites the news hit even in june, you're so late.
  2. Not, upload's fail. And probably one of those dumb tests where the speed just climbs to somewhere high speed, then falls down.
  3. ^ anyways, whatever price, but be the cheapest, worth the money.
  4. Yeah, my friend tried it on an 3870, and it wouldn't even start.Even if it started, the graphics would be like if you're playing Counter Strike on Software rendering mode with 16 bit colors.
  5. It runs games just fine, only there are some games with gameguards and shit and piss like that. Here's a list of them, and you need a lots of RAM to run any game(if it says 1 GB required, you need 1.5 at least.)
  6. What, no one of you has Ubuntu?(except Rem, and Chris(i think)
  7. Can you point me to a water cooling, but to be around 50->80 $, and still do the trick?
  8. Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers - Main Theme - Requiem for a Dream (Orchestral Version) Meh, just love this song.
  9. Another pic of the desktop, this time with Cairo Dock.
  10. Ok, i need something that's quiet, the one i have on this PC now is louder than a tractor's engine, so i need something medium in size, but quiet.Any suggestions?
  11. Fixed it, no cable replacing, you only need to move the cable to the far right side and it works. thank you.
  12. Happy birthday to both of you, hope you have a good time out there.
  13. Damjan


    Meh, 5/10, the look is the only thing that's good, faster than XP, but none Windows is faster than Ubuntu.
  14. The newest OS from Linux. Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need - a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more. www.ubuntu.com is the place to download it. I have 9.04(upgraded today)and i have to say, it's awesome. It installed the correct flash plugins and now i can view vids in youtube. What's your xperience with it? I say it's the best one, you don't need an AV, Ubuntu has a sophisticated antivirus system built in, also, there are no viruses for it yet. Here's my background too.
  15. I think an alcohol powered vehicle would be much better, it's easier to obtain, and if something's left, you can finish it off yourself.
  16. Lol i didn't even get to type something.
  17. But where's the video card in the description?
  18. Kinda it is, i got addicted to making birthday topics after the first 5 i made.

  19. Happy birthday.(insert lame wishes here)
  20. ^ first time i ever agree with you, Vista is epic fail.
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