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Posts posted by MishoM

  1. Edited to exclude admins.

    Most Respected Member: Gerard

    Most Respected Mod/Super Mod: Sky

    Most Helpful Member: Gerard

    Most Improved Member: Joy Division

    Best New Member: MishoM (I'm new, I go around helping whenever I can, I make great news post and am part of the news team/staff. :] )

    Most Intelligent Member: Gerard

    Funniest Member: Sky

    Most Original Username: MrLlamaL;ama

    Biggest geek: Chris82/Gerard (Righty or Chris would have been perfect for here)

    Most Random Member: RyanVG

    Most unique member: Spaz

    Best Avatar: I like mine because I love Death Note, but I'd have to go with Sky's

    Best Signature: MrLlamaLlama

    Best Graphics maker: MrLlamaLlama

    Best Writing (creativity forum): ???

    Best Topic Starter: (There haven't been many great topics that have all come from one person in my opinion)

    Medal of Honor: Urbanoutlaw

    Userbar Whore: -

    Weirdest Looks: (This one is stupid. If I was Spaz I'd get pissed for everyone telling me I looked weird. He really doesn't anyway, I've seen much, much weirder.)

  2. This may be important, in the third trailer when he gets off of the train (or whatever) in the very beginning, and says, "zdravo, bracaru", that doesn't mean "hello brother". It actually means, "hello first cousin". After looking a little into it and asking someone with a much greater knowledge for the language, they told me that it sounded more like he was saying "first cousin". Saying "brother" in Serbian is "brot" (not actually spelling, but that's how it sounds), "bracaru" sounds like "first cousin". This would make MUCH more sense in this situation, yes? Roman is Niko's cousin, so I'd be willing to be hes his first cousin.

  3. And just to let you guys know, Russian and Serbian is almost the same thing. The languages only have 7 different letters in the alphabet, some words are exactly the same, and the people are both under the same religion. Which leads to Russian support in Serbian political affairs, and vice versa. Some Serbs' would say that Russians are our "brothers" if you know what I'm trying to get at.

  4. Yeah, but the Funniest Ban award wouldn't exactly piss off anyone still posting. Well, unless they have a second account we don't know about....yet.

    That ones fine, we could all have a laugh at that since they'd be gone. But something like, "Most Disrespected Member" is just going to piss someone off and make them leave the forum, and why lose a member over some stupid award that doesn't matter?

  5. What's everyone's first assumption when you hear his voice? He sounds Russian. If I started talking in a Yugoslavian/Serbian accent, even I sound Russian. That doesn't mean anything.

    (BTW, LOL, I don't have a European accent. But I can joke around and make my voice sound exactly like someone from Serbia, its weird...)

  6. I've got one for HD movies, but I play my games on just a regular ol' TV (19" I think...). What I was thinking of getting was a $200 or so LCD monitor, I'd hook up the 360 to that and play it on there instead of on my current TV. Most of them give you an HD picture BTW (at least all of the ones I'm looking at do...).

  7. Best Fucking Wrestler Ever:


    Me and my brother used to watch it non-stop when it used to be great, I remember all of those guys. They ruined it, I mean seriously, its just "[American Name] VS [American Name]", it used to be like, "Goldust VS Hitman", it used to be fun to watch. My brother turned it on a few weeks ago and started watching again, I kind of watch too, but I did see a large portion of the Anniversary Special, it was good. I especially liked seeing all the old guys like the Million Dollar Man. I also saw Razor Ramone's picture and it reminded me of how awesome he, and the WWF (when it was called that) used to be.


  8. LOL, games are never sold out. There has never been one occasion where I haven't been able to find a game on day-one. I remember everyone going nuts saying I wouldn't be able to find Halo 3 on September 25th anywhere. I walked into Best Buy, and they had at least 50 of the regular, 10 of the super-special, and probably around 50 of the special edition one.

    You'll be able to find this game without much effort as well. However, some places do offer things if you pre-order. I remember I pre-ordered San Andreas and got it slightly early (could have been a fuck up on GameStop's part though).

  9. Everyone go ahead and add me:


    Be sure to send me a message saying who you are from this site if you do, unless its completely obvious. I don't have Xbox Live right now, but I'll probably get it soon since I saved $10 on Saints Row, I only need about $10 more and I can get a 3 month for now.

  10. Saints Row is a damn good game, but the online multiplayer is laggy as hell. It's great when the lag is minimal, though.

    Saints Row is a great game, very fun. When I played online at my friend's house, it wasn't laggy at all, it was extremely fun. I got to play on the one map thats a stadium, and the one thats a parking garage. Maybe we'll play sometime (whenever I get Live again).

  11. I didn't feel like it was worthy of its own topic, but I just want to say that you can get Saint's Row for $20 ($10 cheaper than normal price) at Best Buy from now until Saturday I believe. I just picked up my copy, they had about 10 of them, all were Platinum Hits except for one, but that one was all dirty and what not, so I ended up with a silver one. :) I'll probably be picking up some Xbox Live soon as well, can't wait to play it online! :)

  12. Wow! We are getting so many new screenshots and news stories lately, its unbelievable! Four new screenshots have surfaced, some of you may have already seen them at a lower res in our gallery, but these ones are better hi-res versions. Regardless, for the people who haven't seen them, here they are:

    gtaiv_screenshot_45.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_46.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_47.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_48.jpg

  13. I'll probably beat the game quick. I usually get so attached to the GTA storylines, to the point where I can't stop until I've finished the game. Plus Chris might need some help with a guide or something since it'd be way to much work for one person.

    There hasn't been a storyline guide yet on TGTAP, and what happened to our SA one?

    Haha, no idea! :P We'll do the SA one for GTAPlayer eventually, and I mean, I'm just guessing that TGTAP will get one for GTA4 right? :/

  14. Well yes, i am Slovenian. But my father and mother are from Bosnia & part Serbian, so i know the language, can speak, read and write it. Yes i tought it could be Serbian, becouse Serbian use the word "Zdravo" but they dont use word "bracaru" well it is possible, but then again Russia has some words very similar to Slovenian and Serbo-croatian language. They are both ortodox religions, so it could be connection. I think Niko is still Russian, but luckly i understood the words and made an asumption.

    Bracaru is in serbian often used as braco or brate. (bracaru could be an word that is used like, for example: Gradnfather - grandpa, to make word more lovely)

    well cya around

    Thanks for the insight. I understand the languages are similar which is why I asked in the first place, but basically Niko is most likely a Serb (which was my guess once we found he wasn't Russian :P ) based on the fact that we believe 'Zdravo bracaru' is a Serbian phrase...

    hmm... still, it doesn't make any difference whatsoever, it's just nice to know a little more about the protagonist. So maybe he is Serb, well he's probably Serb... but there's still a chance he's not... maybe mixed heritage like yourself and knows a couple of languages and decided to use that one... I digress... :)

    Yep. "Zravo" means "Hello", "bracaru" means "brother". I honestly didn't even notice that he was speaking Serbian until I read that comment! And as d0gz1lla said, the Serbian and the Russian language is extremely similar. The alphabet is only about 5 or so letters different, but the reason I believe Niko is Serbian is because of his last name, "Belic". That is a Serbian name, I'm almost 100% sure of it. Russian names often end in "ov". Where as just about every Serbian name ends with "ic" (pronounced "E-CH").

    I think Niko is his full name, doubt it will be something longer, from what I have seen on the trailers and all that he will definetly be called Niko.

    "Niko" is basically the Serbian equivalent to "Nick" I believe. The full name is "Nikola", as in the Serbian inventor, "Nikola Tesla".

  15. Its the US that will cuase WW3.

    Put supporting details or GTFO my forums, dick.

    Its the U.S that is going around in the middle east starting shit.

    Is that good enough reason?

    Theres many reasons why the U.S is in the middle east, some say they are there for Oil. The U.S says its there to stop Al Qaeda and other Terrorist Organizations, and countries that can cause the world warm with nuclear weapons. ;)

    Yeah, the problem is you can't just "stop" terrorism or terrorist organizations to be honest, just like how you can "stop" drugs. No matter what you do, they'll be there. They're fighting a never-ending war over there. Even if they completely stop Al Qaeda, another organization exactly like it will pop up.

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