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Everything posted by justhes

  1. It's two, i thought. and don't be a wuus and use cheats, that's just pussying out, to put it nicely. Play the frikin game properly, it's supposed to be realistic, are you afraid of the challenge? I though this already got posted (Correct me if i'm wrong) i wont pussy out, i like getting wanted when im in the ood, its just the accidents that get me a little discouraged.
  2. i heard that is you shoot or kill just one person, you will get three wanted stars. that sounds a little frustrating, i hope they have a cheat for that cause i cant help it if i hit someone while going 120 down an alley.
  3. i would say 10 the min and maybe 12 the max, who knows, rockstar might be able to compress it, or if they dont, it wil take a lot, and they'll have to do more than on dvd
  4. how much hard drive space do you think gta IV will require for pc? im geussing over 8gb
  5. wil you be able to highjack a train in gtaIV? like in sa
  6. it looks like drive bys are going to be totaly different and i think you can do a drive by with a pistol. does anyone have any thoughts on this
  7. if you have any vehicle wishes post them here if this already posted somewhere else dont bother posting
  8. Shut the hell up yo self sucka! Yeah I think that they should use real names for cars and not some fake ass name, the game would be more realistic right? thanks for baking me up here yes i think they should, but the fake ass names give it more humor
  9. i would like real car names but then rockstar would get sued
  10. oh then that would make sense then nevermind
  11. oh then that would make sense then nevermind
  12. does anyone think rockstar should use real life car names instead of fake names?
  13. i made this what did you think copy this to your browser- http://youtube.com/watch?v=cIEOoa5_hHU
  14. that would be cool but you can stil have sex in real life
  15. i wonder if in gtaIV the having hot coffe wil be more realistic so when you bang someone the car dosent just vibrate.
  16. i accedently put other, i meant to put wii on the poll instead of other. and i there are jackasses on here so they may have voted other i voted for pc.
  17. they will probably be just like new yorks subways
  18. hey guys dont get your hopes up, rockstar is really sneaky with this kinda stuff. i m not saying that there will be a country side but you never know.
  19. what platform would you buy gtaIV for? pc ps3 xbox360 other
  20. i heard it floatin around here maybe i heard wrong. i always get my info from here.
  21. i also heard that you can climb light polls and power line polls, can you really do that in gtaIV?
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