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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. most intelligent? oh yeah, I'm going to look on Iraq's situation... and yes, he can increase US security while not waging a war... I know it is very possible
  2. the war is supposed to be over, and the aftermath is "recession" suicide bombings in Iraq are mostly because of the American presence there ONCE AGAIN.... Money more important than lives? If we hadn't gone to war and spent that money we'd be financially fine, but people would be dead. And maybe suicide bombings are because of the American presence, but it saves them doing it on my fucking doorstep, they can stick to their own. of course life is more important than money. But if Bush made this war a WELL-PLANNED one and he used his brain... this would not happen
  3. the war is supposed to be over, and the aftermath is "recession" suicide bombings in Iraq are mostly because of the American presence there
  4. So, what's the price of life nowadays. It's not $1.40 a gallon, I'll tell you that now. lets just call it "recession"
  5. like what I said before "I would not intervene until it affects me" I was talking about that he could be right in protecting other people from tyrannical rule, but Bush waged a very expensive war unlike other countries that joined his war
  6. oh, so Saddam DID planned the 9/11 attacks. I thought we are talking about Saddam btw. I said nothing of 9/11, I'll have you know. then how Saddam did offended Bush or how he affected US? let say every country needs to protect their people, but US did put TOO MUCH effort on it and that "effort" is too expensive
  7. then why he had to intervene? It is Saddam's decision, if I were the president of US, I would not intervene until it affected me He had to intervene because Saddam was killing his own people, and that's not fair at all, it's against human rights shiz. ...and that's exactly why you're not the fucking president of the US, because you'd be dead very soon and your country would be fucked because you didn't decide to take action when things start to go wrong. they are not American citizens, why should I take others' responsibility? And thank God I'm not the US president...
  8. oh, so Saddam DID planned the 9/11 attacks. I thought we are talking about Saddam btw.
  9. then why he had to intervene? It is Saddam's decision, if I were the president of US, I would not intervene until it affected me he should respect fellow leader's decision...
  10. i have to agree with that but Bush turned into a paranoid I thought, everyone is equal according to the American Declaration of Independence... but he saw himself as the MOST powerful and important leader... he should see himself as equal of others
  11. then why would intervene there? It's not my country, the US president's duty is just to serve his country, not to intervene on other countries. yes, but didn't he learned from previous wars... I'm sure he read some history before
  12. I will just strengthen the security of my country, I wouldn't wage war against terrorists because I know it will not end immediately... because it is very difficult to hunt down terrorists
  13. Didnb't realise we were talking about the war in iraq going on now, well of course stone age Bush didn't have nukes, but then then stone age Saddam didn't kill his people. oh well, but all of these would not happen if Bush didn't foolishly initiated a war against Iraq
  14. Things ants don't have: Morals Value Systems Governments Religion Terrorism Democracy Willpower Nukes If ants did have these, then we could probably relate to them. But we don't. When a leader decides for / against going to war, whether you like it or not, it's as much about his approval rating as it is about National Security. and you think early humans do have those too? aside from Religion and Government
  15. well, we do have emotions but some people are mindless freaks good example is Bush, he only thinks that he will pwn all the terrorists in just matter of months, and look now, his expensive wars damaged American economy a lot gaining nothing except criticisms and shoes. you see, even we have emotions but we don't think on what are we doing we could be like ants It was a bad move but Bush can't read the future. At the time many people thought it was a good move. but did he ever think of other possible consequences with his move? I'm pretty sure he was fueled by his anger after 9/11 attacks. btw, I'm going off topic now
  16. Ive played 1.6 and Condition Zero. Never played Source. And which country do you live in? Czecholvakia? I aint too good with the flags of eastern bloc countries. lawl, i'm from the Philippines, located north of Aussies. And there's no Czechoslovakia anymore. btw, I played both 1.6 and CZ, I prefer 1.6. CZ just kinda sucks for some reason even though it featured the Philippines in Deleted Scenes.
  17. well, we do have emotions but some people are mindless freaks good example is Bush, he only thinks that he will pwn all the terrorists in just matter of months, and look now, his expensive wars damaged American economy a lot gaining nothing except criticisms and shoes. you see, even we have emotions but we don't think on what are we doing we could be like ants
  18. oh, sorry for late reply, I'm already sleeping by the time you commented on my profile :P. I had a pretty good night btw

  19. yeah, happy New Year too, get drunk :)

  20. Frank? i thought it was Mike o.O

  21. congrats with that 2000th post. After so many years here in TGTAP...

  22. have you ever read some Greek epic stories where the protagonist can confuse or fool a god/goddess... it was quite funny.
  23. lol, i don't like fireworks, I used to play with it when I was a kid, but not know... I'm not just fond of them I will prefer to play music so loud than risking my hands
  24. have you ever heard fireworks here? they are infamous for causing much damage on people, like they will cause your fingers or hands or even face to have terrible injuries... well there are also lots of spectacular fireworks here like the one i saw from my neighbor a while ago
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