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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. single, but almost... but i wasted it anyway.
  2. good. if i had a PSP then I would put pr0nz on it :), i love technology sometimes... really

  3. oh well i have Nokia 6020 unlike most of the teens here in the Philippines, i don't care whether my cellphone is outdated or new, all I want is to have communication with some people around me through it.
  4. let say they are innocents, yeah i have to consider that. But these orphans are suffering because of the mistakes of other people, like when they are abandoned, it is the fault of their parents not them... but God is still merciful that orphanage is invented.
  5. i'm always fine, i watched some pr0nz in my mate's cellphone lately

  6. nobody is innocent, all of us are sinners. And no matter how good or bad you are in this world, you will still die. and if you would ask me, i still blame humans for that, an example is "abortion", people abort fetus for their personal benefit, God lets it but humans make it possible.
  7. of course He will let it, mistakes are made by humans so they must accept its consequences, why blame God because of that? and like what I said before, "sufferings makes a person stronger" so I won't complain why sufferings is all around.
  8. GTA IV, since its the newest GTA i think we should move this thread to General GTA...
  9. Woah, that just kinda says it all really, if the invisable man existed, I wouldn't give a shit anyway, he can get fucked if someone with that kind of power will let billions of people suffer. not all sufferings are caused by God, and I would say that most of our problems today are made by humans... not God.
  10. Dr. Dre & Snoop Doggy Dogg - Deep Cover again
  11. 1. God 2. i don't know, only God knows 3. this is not heaven, so every human is not exempted from sufferings 4. dinosaurs and humans cannot co-exist with each other, right? 5. challenges makes a person much stronger (not physically) but it depends on the person anyway, if you cannot survive the challenges of this world, then your life is over. I don't sympathize with fundamentalists because they only believe and rely on something for no sufficient reason, they don't fully understand what does a religion really means.
  12. Your Mind is PG-13 Rated Your mind is definitely a little dirty. You're naughty, but not trashy. You don't shy away from a dirty joke, and you're clearly not a prude. I am not a perv
  13. i remember this dude

  14. yeah i thought fy maps are just made where you can go berserk and kill your enemies, and you don't have to buy your weapons, you can just pick weapons randomly.
  15. @ macorules94 : Greek flag wasn't based on East India Company flag but it looks the same, according to my friend, it originated from the flag of Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas of Byzantine Empire, which is a Greek entity. And the Greek name for their homeland is actually Hellas. on topic : I like gta player # 69's idea, kinda like Assassin's Creed
  16. nothing, just chillin' around XD

  17. edwaaaarrrd!! :P

  18. Bold: You have no idea how envious some men(including me at points)are of Edward. but i never feel envious at him, i hate him actually, some of my mates also share same feelings with me towards him because we have same problems (that girls go fanatical to that dude)...
  19. my girl is very fanatical with this one that it reached the point i got jealous to it i say the film isn't good, its not worth it. I don't like romance. i don't even know that it is actually based from a book
  20. welcome GtaSaAbuse the name is quite weird lol, anyway, have fun and stick around and if you have any questions regarding SA, just post it in San Andreas section
  21. kami rin naman eh, pero buti na lang, exam namin... :).

    sige ingat na lang sa bagong taon XD

  22. wow, congrats dude... considering you just came back after a very long absence in this forums, and now you're a mod. I expect that you'll make improvements in gang scene here, although I already left gang scene many years ago
  23. happy birthday dude, have a nice day and i hope you enjoyed your celebration and you got what you want
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