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Posts posted by Swifty

  1. As with many of the rough looking screens, I hope this one is from early on in the developement process & bears no resemblance to the finished article. Mind you some of the pixelation could be down to resizing & formating screwing with the resolution.

  2. Well, I think it won't be Niko--- he doesn't seem like a guy that'll say 'good lord'. It could be a British man.

    I was gona say that it's not the kind of language a hardened Eastern European ex-Soldier would be using. I would imagine Niko might be breaking out some torture techniques & "Good Lord, what are you doing?" Is the reaction of a bystander. As in all other GTA's the line between cutscenes & gamelay will be extremely subtle, so I don't think we would be able to tell the difference even if this new trailer did include actual gameplay. In fact it was probably already included in some of the previous trailers.

  3. As has been said by others, R* are basing this LC on NY today, so in all fairness they should be free to replicate the ground zero site in some way to enhance the games accuracy.

    However I think R* would concede that although remarkably similar in ways to it's real life counterpart, Liberty City is a parody of an existing city. It is has long been R*'s way to use the GTA games as a medium for poking fun at real life subject matter. Therefore any kind of reference, even the sincerest of memorials to the 9/11 victims, woud be interpreted as some kind of satirical side swipe at a very real tragedy.

    All that said I'm still going to be scowing the map to see if they've hidden a "**** Terrorists" Easter Egg.

  4. I'm sure I've seen pics of cops in Black & Blue uniforms, perhaps they will vary in each district. The SWAT look pretty kick arse (ass) in the screnes I've seen. To be honest I'm more concerned about the AI & I'm hoping that they will be a little more tactical in their approach during fire fights & rampages...& don't respawn next to you.

  5. I think in the case of SA 'Customization' was the key thing, but that related to physical things, from tattoos to clothes to car accessories. In the case of GTAIV I believe there is still that emphasis on customisation, however this time it is far deeper, with the contacts and freedom that R* are offering, it will be possible to customise the story, allowing each player to enjoy a unique experience of Liberty City.

    With that in mind I am rather disappointed that R* have seemingly slammed the door shut on business acquisitions & property developement, an area of the game , which I felt was comming along nicely & would be perfected with this new release. I am a big fan of the GTA titles (obviously), but I would have prefered it if in the vein of freedom & personalising Niko's story, I wish that R* had left the option of businesses open as another possible avenue to explore.

  6. actully that be more fun since then you would have to go somewhere elese pretty quick

    Well I suppose it adds to the realism & reports have said that peds will be chased by police, it may also add a little tension to persuits. But I love the feeling when you just about manage to get a battered, bullet riddled & smoking car into the garage bay seconds before it was going to blow.

  7. And you wouldn't really ever notice if peds used Pay N Sprays.... How often do you see a ped and go, "DAMN! I know him! I saw him just yesterday!"

    I'd be pissed if I got busted at the end of a dramatic chase, due to some ped chump occupying the the Pay 'N' Spray I was about to use. <_<

  8. That screen can be found when you take the Libert City History Quiz. The basic shape of the car does look like a Mini but considering that it's a "Mini" it does look rather large, plus those rails on the roof don't come on any of the Minies that I've seen.

    Whether it's in the game or not, Isn't really that big an issue, unless R* are looking to pay homage to a certain 1960's heist film, which would require that specific vehicle to do the "Job" & where you are only supposed to blow the bloody doors off.

  9. http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/5026/13my9.png - Says 'Next stop Huntington st' so this is another name of a street also it says 'trains to Algonquin N. & F1 airport' does this mean we can get passanger planes to the other states again?

    If you look in the Weasel News stories you can see a picture of an airport, probably a version of JFK, but I doubt you will be able to visit any other cities in this game & since R* are trying to up the realism, they have probably made it insanely difficult to get out on the runway or anywhere near the Passenger jets.

  10. Possibly, maybe a few of the bricks would get damaged and the glass would shatter or something. It would be cool if they did. Something that disappointed me:

    When you die, the screen fades to black and white and the camera shifts to a first-person view of your final resting place – it is quite affecting, and again, not a small bit cinematic.

    No WASTED showing up on your screen? :'(

    Do you think you still get that view if your taken out by a headshot from a high powered rifle?

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