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Posts posted by Alkali64

  1. Well, i definitely don't want masses of blood every time i punch someones face in...

    It should have like points on the body were if you hit it hard enough, it will just shoot off like GoW or Soldier of Fortune.

    Hopefully the targeting system will allow us to do such awesome things... :evil:

  2. Well, its going to be a lot tougher... thats for sure. I just hope they aren't going to be too serious and the make the Car/Bike physics super heavy for next gen.

    There is a lot of stunts you could perform in past GTA's (Grinds, bumps, barrel rolls and even base jumping) but will we see any of these in GTA IV?


  3. ^ Same, although there is this one prick who thinks he's better than everyone else. <_<

    My first guitar was a shitty acoustic from Argos. I thought it was genuine stuff until my dad finally got me an electric.

    I've been playing for two years now, although, in the first year there was like no progress what so ever. I've only just started to learn theory work now,

    aswell, I've just finished Sweet child o' mine. It's not perfect but it sounds great. ;)

  4. That never works for me. I always end up picking the exact opposite of what the coin shows...

    PS3 kicks ass, but in my opinion the 360 better. It's got a lot of great games out at the moment. Also, MG4 might not be exclusive to PS3 after all...

  5. IGN seem to think it's cool for Nicko to fly through the windshield of a car, so im sure we will... i hope... I mean, it could get a little annoying, but im sure if it does effect you as well as other pedestrians then it wouldn't happen very often. Ahh screw it just wear a fucking seatbelt...

  6. If it is true... i might actually cry. :mellow: I'm not spending £300 on a PS3, just for one fucking game!

    Console wars bite, companies should join hands. :):P

    I agree, Microsoft and Sony should stop trying to outdo each other and focus more on making one kickass console...

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